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<n3ph> a plymouth theme for asahi linux would be bummer! anyone having expirience with this?
<n3ph> is there already a collection of artwork files somewhere suitable for it?
<n3ph> s/expirience/experience/
<n3ph> 🙄
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<chadmed> lmfao i should really fix that up
<chadmed> its so broken
<chadmed> patches welcome :)
<n3ph> thx! havn't noticed this one yet. 👨
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<chadmed> smdh github doesnt have "automerge on CI success" like gitlab and forgejo
<chadmed> i really dont have the setup to self-host the overlay on my forgejo instance though :p
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<n3ph> Aha, the plymouth theme is missing support for the luks passphrase input. Maybe I can have a look for it in the next couple days...
<chadmed> yeah the scripting language was completely undocumented at the time i wrote it and i kinda just gave up bc its too much of a PITA to test without systemd
<chadmed> we also didnt even have simpledrm at the time so... yknow :p
<n3ph> Since I am running on systemd, dev and testing should be easy over here.
<n3ph> Have to admit, I haven't had a look at the lang yet.
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<chadmed> its like javascript but worse
<n3ph> \o/
<chadmed> the undocumented part is how all the callbacks work
<n3ph> :hide-the-pain-herold:
<chadmed> merged
<n3ph> 🙇
<chadmed> i think that was me just writing code half asleep. there is no src_postinst and src_postrm :p
<n3ph> already anticipated.. :wink:
<n3ph> Off-topic: is there a good weechat script which supports autocompletion for ascii emoji symbols?
<chadmed> no clue i use konversation
* n3ph likes terminals
<n3ph> finding an irc support channel for weechat via google is technically impossible. change my mind
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<n3ph> chadmed: I've just finished upgrading to 6.9.12-p2 and corresponding mesa, but seem to miss hw acc. sway is practically unusable now.
<n3ph> I haven't started looking at it, but any voctors for debugging?
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<n3ph> ```
<n3ph> $ vainfo
<n3ph> Trying display: wayland
<n3ph> Trying display: x11
<n3ph> libva info: VA-API version 1.22.0
<n3ph> libva error: vaGetDriverNames() failed with unknown libva error
<n3ph> vaInitialize failed with error code -1 (unknown libva error),exit
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<n3ph> Interesting, I just learned theer is no VAAPI support. :thinking_face:
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<chadmed> why would there be vaapi support
<chadmed> we have no video decoding hardware
<chadmed> (yet)
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