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<n3ph> I was having a look for the plymouth theming yesterday. It isn't fun even the function declarations literally start with it.
<n3ph> I'll see when I am going to return on it. I'll try finishing up on a new ebuild for box64 with M1 support first.
<n3ph> I was about to push it to guru. I haven't seen benefit of maintaining a version in the asahi-overlay yet. Any thoughts on this?
<n3ph> Also, `pkgdev` is yelling `UnknownUseFlags` at me, because I wanted to conditionalize `-D M1=1` on `VIDEO_CARDS=asahi` by using the use flag `video_cards_asahi`.
<n3ph> Practically it's working, but I don't know if it's alright to ignore and push regardlessly.
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<chadmed> n3ph: you cant use video_cards_asahi outside the overlay because we define it
<chadmed> also i dont want to have a bunch of arguably necessary packages dependent on people enabling ::guru
<chadmed> you should be able to use the system with just ::gentoo and the overlay, and eventually just ::gentoo
<chadmed> i will not accept anything less
<chadmed> feel free to push to guru if you want since its probably also useful on other platforms but i will be overriding it in the overlay when all of this stuff is _actually_ ready for packaging
<n3ph> So adding box64 to asahi-overlay it is then?
<chadmed> yes then eventually to ::gentoo
<n3ph> fine for me
<chadmed> i had box64 and box86 ebuilds in there ages ago but treecleaned them because they are still pretty useless
<n3ph> y?
<chadmed> maybe its more useful now that they fake 4k pages
<chadmed> but theres not a whole lot of interesting things you can do with it
<n3ph> I've added `-DM1=1` locally - works pretty well with factorio
<chadmed> factorio is an outlier because they have a fulltime linux dev and its a 64 bit build
<chadmed> wont run steam linux, wont run proton
<n3ph> sure. I see your point. But for this it's great
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<leio> n3ph: I don't feel like conditionalizing M1 or M2 CPU stuff (if that's what it's about) on a video cards USE_EXPAND is appropriate anyhow
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<chaos_princess> considering that m1 is not the only special platform, USE_EXPAND sth like BOX64_OPTIMIZE_FOR, and then list all the platforms they have there
<leio> I think in the guts it's about page size selection there, no?
<leio> I remember having this conversation with another gentoo contributor for non-asahi case
<leio> (thus in a gentoo channel)
<chaos_princess> not only that, they have a bunch of other random arm boards listed there too
<leio> and maybe it was also about pre-picking some CFLAGS, which it has no business to do
<leio> so I think the conclusion was that you shouldn't be passing M1=1, but only do the part that matters for it re page size instead
<leio> while not messing with user CFLAGS as another side-effect of what M1=1 does
<leio> like if you read the build files, then M1 block sets some other stuff iirc
<leio> you mustn't end up having the ebuild let these be set in place of user CFLAGS, so you can't pass M1=1 in an ebuild without patching that out
<leio> so just don't, pass what's needed manually
<leio> and those feel like they are just for all arm64, hence `if use arm64; then ...`
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<leio> though add_definitions(-DM1) might be doing something inside the code :(
<leio> don't have a clone to quickly check
<leio> it's a bit of a mess for downstreams
* n3ph is a bit clueless how to proceed from here
<leio> if you do end up with having to pass M1=1, you need to patch out the CFLAGS modifications (if they override user one, cmake is confusing to me), etc
<leio> for this to be suitable for ::gentoo
<leio> rest, well, need to understand what it does in the project
<leio> I think most of this is defaults based on arch, that you can sort of replicate based on arch implicit USE flags or something if need be
<leio> but on line 190 they just add a M1 preprocessor macro definition from it - maybe that does something needed for asahi
<leio> the existing ::guru version does something like this per-arch
<leio> but doesn't seem to cover arm64
<n3ph> not yet, correct
<n3ph> maybe that's the correct path you describe. patching out definitions and CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS from and practically translate all of that within the ebuild
<n3ph> leio: interestingly there is not a single condition based on M1:
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<leio> it can be a different syntax for the M1 line
<leio> `#ifdef M1` for example, iirc (been doing rust instead of C too long)
<leio> don't see anything for that either, but I don't trust it when I can't narrow it down with a case-sensitive search of M1
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