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<jannau> chadmed: there was a stable patch touching nvme-apple, it should be resolved in the matching asahi tag
<chadmed> yeah it was because the ebuild was applying the wrong genpatches
<chadmed> all good now
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<n3ph> I was about to test vulkan support, but fail to do so:
<n3ph> $ vulkaninfo
<n3ph> ERROR: [Loader Message] Code 0 : vkCreateInstance: Found no drivers!
<n3ph> Cannot create Vulkan instance.
<n3ph> This problem is often caused by a faulty installation of the Vulkan driver or attempting to use a GPU that does not support Vulkan.
<n3ph> ERROR at /var/tmp/portage/dev-util/vulkan-tools- failed with ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER
<n3ph> chadmed: i've compiled mesa with `vulkan` and `vulkan-overlay`, I see no enable for ashai within the ebuild.?
<j`ey> i dont think its mwrged ywt?
<n3ph> IC
<n3ph> Then, I'll have a look to build it locally..
<chadmed> n3ph: you know our stance on unreleased software.
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<j`ey> chadmed: FAFO
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<chadmed> j`ey: that is exactly how i would put it :p
<j`ey> nefsen (wlroots contributor) has a patch for fake gamma control.. but ir only works on vulkan, so Im interested in tryinf it out when its ready!
<chadmed> i am too but id rather not be a hypocrite and practice what i preach by not using it until its ready (ive had the patchset for months and have not even tried to apply it)
<chaos_princess> Finally got thunks to build with a solution i don't hate that much. Now to package the toolchain.
<chaos_princess> And probably figure out what to do with rootfs
<chadmed> i think for now dont worry too much about the rootfs, we can just let fex deal with it via fexrootfsfetcher
<chadmed> alyssa and friends have not even figured that one out entirely yet
<chadmed> do we have to put the thunks in it though
<chaos_princess> Yes, kinda
<chadmed> i would suggest an ebuild that gets the rootfs image and does stuff to it but i dont think there exists a standard way of dealing with this yet
<chadmed> like, a way that doesnt involve editing files in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
<chaos_princess> Unpack rootfs to /usr/lib/fex or sth, set FEX_ROOTFS in environment.d
<chaos_princess> I have a dockerfile somewhere that packages the whole setup, but it is built on top of fedora
<chadmed> oh that exists now? ISTR alyssa and neal talking about how you cant do this yet just last week?
<chaos_princess> Its complicated, it works if you want to use unpacked rootfs, but not for squashfs one
<chadmed> ah yeah thats right
<chadmed> hmm what about just temporarily then 1. get squashfs 2. unsquash it to some location 3. install thunks 4. set FEX_ROOTFS
<chadmed> we can add a step that re-squashes it once that functionality is available
<chadmed> (or just grab the fedora one that will probably have the thunks in it already hehe)
<chaos_princess> well, my main concerns are: 1. So, how _do_ you install x86 software. 2. Will the fact that rootfs is fedora based be ok or will it cause abi fireworks
<chadmed> last time i tried cobbling stuff together the fact that its fedora didnt matter
<chadmed> but at the margins of abi changes as library versions change it might actually...
<chadmed> for point 1 alyssa wants the UX to be identical to rosetta, so amd64 software coexists with arm64 software
<chadmed> e.g. goes in the rootfs and binfmt handlers deal with spinning up fex when necessary
<chaos_princess> Actually no, stays on normal fs.
<chadmed> yeah sorry thats what i meant
<chadmed> the _real_ rootfs
<chadmed> not the amd64 one
<chaos_princess> And how exactly is x86 sw supposed to coexist? Where does it get installed? And how?
<chaos_princess> it is easy for steam/wine, but what about x86 linux stuff
<chaos_princess> and since we are gentoo, do we even care about that usecase?
<chadmed> i assume for us its basically going to people trying to install obscure proprietary binary packages
<chadmed> i guess outside of steam and wine that's all its gonna be for everyone else too tbh
<chaos_princess> Which they will probably shove in /opt, and they will probably come with all the libraries
<chadmed> yeah stuff like davinci resolve
<chaos_princess> off the top of my head the most likely sw is steam/wine/davinci resolve and thats basically it
<chaos_princess> jetbrains ides have arm builds now
<chadmed> yup
<chadmed> hell i think even for like 90% of people wine itself is probably superfluous since steam will just call its bundled proton
<chadmed> but it would be cool if we could get gentoo up to speed with arm64/arm64ec wine
<chadmed> i think we could probably prove that wow64 is ready for primetime and to drop multilib entirely for the amd64 frens
<chaos_princess> probably. Adding gog or "alternatively acquired" games to steam is a bit annoying, but works pretty well.
<chadmed> yeah for that use case i run windows steam via wine and that works far better
<chaos_princess> I've added explorer.exe from wine to steam and run stuff via that
<chadmed> either way i think we're going to need to tackle arm64 wine and deal with the fex dll thingy
<chaos_princess> Yea, but arm64ec is super wip rn, so i will burn that bridge when i come to it.
<chadmed> do we need the arm64ec stuff to be able to call into fex?
<chadmed> i thought the normal arm64 build could do that already
<chaos_princess> Unixlibs are compiled as arm64, winelibs are arm64ec
<chadmed> ahhh
<sam_> just lmk if questions come up you need our input on
<chadmed> theres a PR against the overlay for fex if you want to take a look but ive already asked for some changes
<chaos_princess> Iirc you didnt
<sam_> yeah lemme get some tea and ill give it a quick peep
<chadmed> does gh not tell you i commented unless i explicitly click the needs changes button
<chaos_princess> check if you havent accidentally left the review as draft
<sam_> they will be marked as pending
<sam_> yeah
<chadmed> fucks sake
<chadmed> its my first day as a maintainer :)
<chadmed> there we go
<chaos_princess> I still think -* makes sense for fex, agree with the rest
<chadmed> doesnt that just have the same effect as not putting the other arches in KEYWORDS
<chaos_princess> Technically - yes, but it also serves as documentation that you shoudn't even try using package.accept_keywords on it
<chadmed> hm okay i thought it might have special powers or something but even that is actually a good point, happy to keep it then
<sam_> it also prevents even trying with e.g. nattka
<chadmed> id check the cmake eclass to see if it has any of its own handling for ccache
<chadmed> or if theres some way we can just ask portage if its been asked for
<sam_> you just turn it off and let portage enable it via PATH if user asked for it
<chadmed> okay cool ill resolve that one too then
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<chaos_princess> sam_: virglrenderer is not a new ebuild, i just added our patch to it
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<sam_> ok
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<chadmed> chaos_princess: are you planning on hard-requiring a gcc cross toolchain for the thunks
<chaos_princess> what are the alternatives?
<chadmed> clang didnt work?
<chaos_princess> i haven't been able to make it work, it had some issue where it was looking for either glibc or libgcc in the wrong place when cross-compiling
<chadmed> ah okay makes sense then
<chadmed> can we drop IUSE="+thunks" until it's ready to go then
<chaos_princess> just do not merge the last commit
<chadmed> sure
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