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<chaos_princess> Probably libc++ or something in gcc stage 2
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<chadmed_> it was amd64 glibc, didnt realise you reset CC after x86 glibc was built :p
<chadmed_> let's see now...
<chadmed_> urgh now its going to be libstdc++ in gcc stage 2 isnt it...
<chadmed_> this is so fucking stupid why cant we just have bin thunks
<chadmed_> seems to be passing the lib build with no toolchain overrides but idk what this is going to do at runtime...
<chadmed_> right looks like gcc stage 2 just silently dropped libstdc++
<chadmed_> var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/FEX-2408/work/FEX-FEX-2408/ThunkLibs/GuestLibs/../libVDSO/Types.h:2:10: fatal error: 'cstdint' file not found
<runxiyu> i'm running Jared's gentoo install, and everything seems great, though i would want to ask whether people had luck with the openrc stage3's
<runxiyu> i'm not familiar with initramfs stuff other than arch's mkinitcpio
<chadmed_> i use openrc
<chadmed_> its fine everything works
<chadmed_> no nvm libstdc++ does exist because i can compile cpp code with the toolchain, the fex ebuild just doesnt know where it is or something
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<runxiyu> ah nice
<runxiyu> I never did Asahi Gentoo before and I'm a bit scared (lol) so I'm following Jared's systemd guide for now
<runxiyu> I'll switch it next reinstall when I get familiar enough with the initramfs-making process
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<chadmed_> runxiyu: jared's guide is now really outdated as we have moved to a new method where i publish uefi bootable installcds so if it still works its only by fluke
<chadmed_> when you reinstall please follow the guide on the asahi github wiki
<runxiyu> Oops
<runxiyu> Uhh I'm still compiling clang
<runxiyu> Haven't even gotten to Linux
<runxiyu> So I'll go check the official one
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<runxiyu> chadmed: Could I have the checksum for install-arm64-asahi-latest.iso on your website?
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<runxiyu> > You have been eaten by a grue
<runxiyu> uh
* chadmed needs to find his zork ii disc
<chadmed> runxiyu: if you go to all the files are there
<chadmed> digests, sha256 sum, etc
<runxiyu> Also, "From here, you can simply follow the Gentoo Handbook for amd64, stopping only when it is time to install a kernel." almost made me unpack an amd64 stage3 ._.
<runxiyu> Ah, thanks!
<chaos_princess> So, thunks use kind of an insane build process where they use host headers for compiling x86 code. And i guess llvm systems install them in a different place to gcc ones
<chaos_princess> Where even _is_ cstdint on a llvm system?
<chadmed> yeah i assume thats whats going on because thunkgen is just exploding in some random place and then throwing "cant find blah blah blah header" errors
<chadmed> but like
<chadmed> i dont use libcxx
<chadmed> usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/14/include/g++-v14/ has my sepples headers?
<chadmed> and clang knows about it because i can compile c++ code just fine
<chaos_princess> Can you manually run the failing thunkgen command and add --verbose to it?
<chaos_princess> (thunkgen is a clang plugin(?) and should accept clang flags)
<chadmed> yeah i can just grab the invocation that failed from the build log
<chaos_princess> there should be some way to make it print what places it searches for headers in
<chadmed> its looking for libcxx headers...
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<chadmed> sorry for three line multipaste
<chadmed> /var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/FEX-2408/work/FEX-FEX-2408/ThunkLibs/GuestLibs/../include
<chadmed> /usr/lib/llvm/18/bin/../../../../lib/clang/18/include
<chadmed> /usr/local/include
<chadmed> /usr/include
<chaos_princess> And host clang?
<chadmed> hmm let me try rebuilding the clang world with more LLVM targets
<chaos_princess> No, no need for now
<chadmed> but yes it is using the host clang
<chaos_princess> just tell me which places it searches when compiling arm 64 code
<chadmed> /usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/14/include/g++-v14
<chadmed> /usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/14/include/g++-v14/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
<chadmed> /usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/14/include/g++-v14/backward
<chadmed> /usr/lib/llvm/18/bin/../../../../lib/clang/18/include
<chadmed> /usr/local/include
<chadmed> /usr/include
<chadmed> basic program that includes cstdio and calls printf, compiled fine and runs (of course)
<chaos_princess> can you grep for gcc inside /etc/clang
<chadmed> just the standard stuff gentoo installs, the only non comment is --gcc-install-dir="/usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/14"
<chaos_princess> Ok, and now take that thing and add it to tunkgen flags
<chadmed> it worked
<chaos_princess> Well, now to find out how to do it automatically i guess
<chaos_princess> which file was the flag in?
<chadmed> etc/clang/gentoo-gcc-install.cfg
<chadmed> surely we can just patch the flag into the relevant cmakelists file
<chaos_princess> Yes
<chadmed> i have a bunch of other overrides locally that made it work here that _should_ keep working on pure gcc systems (just explicitly specifying flags and such instead of using whatever portage gives us)
<chaos_princess> Well, we can't patch the flag itself, since it is dependent on gcc version, but we can fish it out of that file and pass it that way
<chadmed> yeah
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<chaos_princess> Which other overrides did you have to pass?
<chadmed> this is what i did to the ebuilds
<chadmed> the thunks toolchain cmake file bit might not be necessary now that was just me bumming around
<chadmed> actually let me clean that up
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<chadmed> oh and get rid of the echo "${CC}" heh
<runxiyu> Uh oops I can't install asahi-scripts because I can't access GitHub
<chadmed> oh :(
<chadmed> one second...
<chaos_princess> Why did you change X86_CFLAGS, what went wrong there?
<chadmed> chaos_princess: it was pulling my clang cflags out of make.conf
<chaos_princess> Well, yea, that's the idea
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<chadmed> well it was passing them to gcc which caused it to explode
<chaos_princess> It should have filtered out the ones that break it with that line.
<chadmed> it didnt hehe :p
<chaos_princess> Which one did it fail to catch?
<chadmed> a whole mess of them, could be because theyre in LDFLAGS though...
<chaos_princess> Ah
<chaos_princess> yes, that would do it
<chadmed> runxiyu: sorry i actually cant help you with that :(
<chadmed> i would prefer if we had a gitlab or forgejo or something that we control but it is what it is
<chadmed> chaos_princess: so if we just add ${LDFLAGS} next to ${CFLAGS} that should do it right
<chadmed> let me just check lol
<chadmed> yeah that worked
<chadmed> just need to tell thunkgen where the c++ headers are now
<chaos_princess> add --config=/path/to/that/file to thunkgen flags
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<chadmed> >>> Installing (1 of 1) app-emulation/FEX-2408::asahi
<chadmed> you are so amazing
<chaos_princess> would you apply your changes yourself or do you want me to do it?
<chadmed> if youre happy that theyre not going to explode gcc systems then i will apply
<chaos_princess> they probably won't
<chaos_princess> just replace the hardcoded triples with ${CTARGET} in the glibc export block and tentative lgtm
<chaos_princess> i will check on my gcc system a bit later
<chadmed> sick
<chadmed> krun is still janky rubbish but thats fine
<chadmed> we can merge it unstable
<chaos_princess> they have a branch that at least will stop it from randomly failing from start with EEXIST
<chadmed> i dont think net via passt works properly upstream either
<chaos_princess> yep, but that's a passt bug, downgrade it and it will work
<chadmed> ah right
<chaos_princess> or do `echo 'nameserver' >/etc/resolv.conf` inside the vm and it should also work
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<chadmed> oh oops i knew that
<chadmed> just a sec
<chadmed> fixed thanks
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<chaos_princess> the if block around that patch is not useful, gcc systems also have that file in /etc/clang
<chadmed> does unconditionally passing in the flag break anything then
<chadmed> id assume not if clang is useable on these systems
<chaos_princess> idk, fired off the compiles on my gcc system, we will know in like 15 mins
<chadmed> ezpz
<chadmed> last trick if we want to tackle it would be amd64 mesa but meson's cross compilation system is thoroughly deranged and i dont want to touch it
<chadmed> and also hopefully the asahi mesa just ends up vendored by either the fedora rootfs or a fex-blessed one
<chaos_princess> for rootfs, i kinda want to build a "steam-nano" one. Just enough libraries to start steam, and then use everything from steam runtime
<chadmed> that could be cool
<chadmed> also we need to install the binfmt handlers
<chaos_princess> not yet
<chaos_princess> krun installs binfmt handlers in the nested vm, but on host we need krun's launcher handlers
<chaos_princess> and i do not want to "ship" krun yet
<chadmed> yeah true and nor do i its a mess
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<chaos_princess> confirming that it all builds on gcc
<chadmed> okay sick ill yeet the if block
<chadmed> tomorrow now though its almost 11pm
<j`ey> chadmed: so in an hour?
<chadmed> im hopiing to be asleep before the top of the next hour :p
<chadmed> also the manifest for sommelier was wrong and i updated it
<chaos_princess> that might actually be bad, they could be generating that tarball on the fly and we might need to mirror it
<chadmed> hmm yeah the size was pretty different...
<chadmed> google moment
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<sam_> you should always diff the tarballs in that case
<sam_> not just regen
<chaos_princess> ill mirror the sommelier subtree to gh
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<runxiyu> Can I just follow or are there peculiarities about power management here?
<runxiyu> (I want power saving)
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<chaos_princess> it was in fact a google moment
<psykose> yea gitiles is unstable
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