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<u154ss> @cy8aer That was it, somehow initramfs-tools was no longer on my system. Reinstall and all is good. Danke!
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<chadmed> sam_: could you take another look at for chaos_princess if you get a few spare minutes? ill probably smoke test and merge tomorrow anyway provided it works
<sam_> ok
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<chaos_princess> chadmed: not sure what do you want to happen with overridden CC/CXX, do you want me to use the system ones, or what happens?
<chadmed_> chaos_princess: when building glibc we need to explicitly set CC and CXX otherwise emake will take whatever the system/package.env provided one is
<chadmed_> which for me either either clang or aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-g{cc,++}
<chaos_princess> if it does not work, would you mind throwing an `echo ${CC}` after that line and telling me what is set as CC on your system?
<chadmed_> yarp one sec
<chadmed_> fwiw the config log for glibc shows just "gcc -m32" not "x86_86-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -m32"like it should
<chadmed_> x86_64*
<chadmed_> yeah echo "${CC}" after you try setting it just returns gcc -m32
<chaos_princess> guess ill have to look at what it wants there
<chadmed_> could be something as simple as toolchain-funcs not understanding x86_64-multilib-linux-gnu
<chadmed_> so when you set CHOST to CTARGET for tc-getCC its not doing anything
<chaos_princess> no, it is a real compiler and it should be in PATH
<chadmed_> or its just the fact that tc-getCC ignores whatever the ebuild wants to respect what the user has specified in the portage env
<chadmed_> lmfao okay getting further now by just overriding that getCC thing with "x86_64-multilib-linux-gnu"
<chadmed_> but now to do the same for the rest of the toolchain :)P
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<chadmed_> nup something after the locale install is still trying to use the hostarch toolchain and i cant for the life of me find where
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