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<jannau> what is supposed to block virtual/dist-kernel::gentoo? I had to mask that manually to prevent gentoo-kernel being pulled in.
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<chadmed> jannau: theres been some bike shedding upstream about how we deal with that. we had initially tried slotting the dist-kernel ebuilds but it doesnt seem to have worked :/
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<sam_> my thinking is at this point we need an asahi set of subprofiles
<sam_> this might actually be a net-positive
<sam_> we can add stuff to @system there then and so on
<chadmed> sam_: is that something we can test/tinker with in the overlay?
<sam_> yes
<sam_> i think so
<chadmed> can i just like inherit from the base profiles too?
<chadmed> okay sick ineritence exists
<sam_> i know it's a bit of a shame to *have* to
<sam_> but i think we can turn it into a positive
<n3ph> what would be the base profile?
<chadmed> default/linux/arm64/23.0/asahi i suppose
<sam_> right
<sam_> possibly one of the desktop ones
<sam_> dunno
<n3ph> no
<chadmed> might make sense to make plasma the default experience but also that kinda makes building livecds a pain
<n3ph> no
<n3ph> :-) I expected this already OMG
<sam_> ?
<sam_> i don't know what you're on about
<chadmed> i dont think they want a desktop profile being the default
<n3ph> e.g. I am on default/linux/arm64/23.0/systemd ATM1
<sam_> yeah sure, that's fine..
<n3ph> But also, there are OpenRC users..
<sam_> i just mean i expect most of the work/value to be in having desktop ones which set up mesa shit too and so on
<sam_> not really anything to do with forcing anyone
<n3ph> sure, but I don't want GNOME, nor KDE
<chaos_princess> imo, asahi should be under desktop, but not necessarily under plasma or gnome
<sam_> you're not really parsing what i'm saying i think
<sam_> chaos_princess: that was my assumption
<chadmed> n3ph: the plan is to simply inherit the existing set of arm64 profiles and sub them out as /asahi. no ones forcing you to have anything
<chaos_princess> most of our stuff is not useful on headless servers
<sam_> chaos_princess: (that it might make sense to not even bother having an asahi-without-desktop one)
<sam_> chaos_princess: ofc if you decide that is useful for some reason then go ahead
<chadmed> chaos_princess: my m2 pro mac mini running gentoo as a server would like a word with you :p
<chaos_princess> what asahi-specific stuff do you need on it?
<chaos_princess> just kernel/m1n1/u-boot
<n3ph> e.g. I am pretty sure i am not the only sway user.
<chadmed> kernel, m1n1, u-boot, i have mesa installed for ${reasons}
<chadmed> but that doesnt need to live in the profile
<n3ph> can we somehow agree on `default/linux/arm64/23.0`?
<chaos_princess> and desktop needs audio, mesa, tiny-dfr for relevant machines, etc
<chadmed> n3ph: theres nothing to agree on. it will literally just be the base gentoo profile with some USE flags or whatever
<chadmed> i dont intend on forcing a specific experience on anyone
<chadmed> do i think that plasma+systemd is the gold standard for desktop linux, especially on these machines? yes. do most other folks also think this? yes. am i gonna force you to have USE="qt6 systemd bloat soy javascript drm microsoft"? no
<sam_> it also really isn't specific to this anyway.. the whole point of this discussion is making it easier to have recommended settings
<sam_> it is completely separate to what we reqiure
<n3ph> Maybe let me put it this way: I absolutely welcome a sub-profile in the asahi-overlay. I would love to make use of it, but everything except `default/linux/arm64/23.0` would have a bitter sweet
<chadmed> all we really _need_ is to mask mesa::gentoo and virtual/dist-kernel:0
<sam_> right
<n3ph> true
<chaos_princess> completely separate thing, but imo gentoo should make systemd default, and openrc a subprofile :P
<chadmed> however it would be really nice if the installer helper script could just essentially be `eselect profile set [asahi base profile] && reboot`
* chaos_princess pulls out the riot shield
<n3ph> chaos_princess: soem would say you play with fire :-P
<n3ph> chadmed: I agree, would be awesome
<chadmed> im inclined to agree tbh it's made a whole bunch of stuff a lot easier. just look at the fex rootfs stuff
<j`ey> chadmed: systemd should just be a blob in the kernel :D
<chadmed> yknow how oracle added oracledb isa extensions to sparc?
<chadmed> what if ARMv10 implemented systemd as an instruction set
<chadmed> couldnt be any worse than jazelle
<sam_> lmaoo
<chaos_princess> arm already has javascript and intel-style simd flags in instruction set
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