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<vimproved> it's because it's technically seeing two drm devices, but the vulkan renderer doesn't currently work with honeykrisp regardles
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<chadmed> chaos_princess: checked dxhr with wined3d and it works totally fine with new llvm 19 mesa so it's definitely a honeykrisp regression
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<chaos_princess> well, thats gonna be annoying to bisect
<chaos_princess> do we at least have thunks
<jannau> yuka: sounds like a kmsro issue. not sure if mesa is supposed to do something or if it is a wlroots issue
<yuka> _nod_
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<chadmed> smdh the asahi diff applies to asahi-sources but not asahi-kernel
<chadmed> wtf
<LarstiQ> *blink*
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<Tramtrist> *blink*
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<jannau> chadmed: using the same base gentoo patches?
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<chadmed> jannau: yeah 6.13-7
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<chadmed> it's not the genpatches though which is odd
<chadmed> i probably have something oddly cached
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