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<chadmed_> chaos_princess: i still cant open dxhr on the studio :(
<chaos_princess> could it be fex related?
<chadmed_> thats what im thinking. fex 2502 worked on fedora on j313 but ive blown that away to install gentoo now
<chaos_princess> do we have old fex still in repo?
<chaos_princess> worst case - could pull it from commit history
<chaos_princess> (i should just go buy dxhr on steam :P)
<chadmed_> i dropped it but i can just revert that locally
<chadmed_> the entire deus ex series was like 90% off not that long ago :p
<chadmed_> bah yeah it's fex
<chadmed_> ill bisect on the weekend :/
<chaos_princess> tess works?
<chadmed_> let me load into the game proper and see
<chadmed_> nope, looks the same as it did on j313 yesterday
<chadmed_> with tess on and off
<chadmed_> downgraded x86 mesa, let's see
<chadmed_> still looks fucked up. is it thunking opengl?
<chadmed_> no, because it's using vulkan
<chadmed_> i'll look into this more on the weekend. something has clearly regressed in a massive way somewhere
<chadmed_> i'm not convinced it's not fex. i might have to go back to 2412
<chaos_princess> i _think_ fex did something to reciprocals, or at least there was something relevant in commit history
<chaos_princess> may or may not be related
<chadmed_> the whacky geometry makes that sus
<chadmed_> im working from home for the rest of the week due to local weather events so i may sneak in a look before the weekend
<chaos_princess> try enabling/disabling x87 fast mode, do whatever is the opposite of what you had before
<chadmed> disabling reduced x87 precision is what makes the game a slideshow
<chaos_princess> is it at least a slideshow that renders correctly or not?
<chadmed> i will check perhaps tomorrow. it is literally so slow that the opening bob page cutscene does not load within 10 minutes
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