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<Hartley25> Hi anyone an op in #asahi, and #asahi-dev?
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<ponies> !ops
<ponies> no bot here i gueess
<chaos_princess> are you unable to join those due to being banned?
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<jannau> what do we want to do with asahi-sources in the overlay? I'm ignoring it for now
<chadmed> jannau: ill sort asahi-sources in the overlay. im home now
<chadmed> i like keeping it around because everyones too busy to merge PRs into ::gentoo every time i ask (which is fine but we need to move quickly)
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<mps> rust 1.85.1 does not work to build linux-asahi
<chaos_princess> whats the error?
<mps> no error, build simply do not use rust. that is on alpine, musl libc
<chaos_princess> run `make rustavailable`
<mps> yes, it shows
<chaos_princess> well, you need to fix that. if rustavailable errors, the makefile just silently disables rust (which is a totally reasonable and expected behaviour)
<mps> that means i have to use clang and not gcc?
<chaos_princess> gcc should work, you just need to install a later version of clang
<mps> ok, will try. thanks
<mps> actually i remoded clang this morning. have to add is in dependencies for linux-asahi
<chaos_princess> bindgen uses libclang to parse c headers, so yes, it is required
<leio> note that it may have now updated your .config to be as non-rust too (rust requiring options disabled), at least I saw that behaviour at older times, maybe it doesn't behave like that anymore or the one I hit was in different scenario
<mps> yes, i forgot this. clang is in dependencies for official alpine linux-asahi, which is created by me
<mps> leio: no, this is not reason, removed clang is problem
<mps> after breakfast i will try again to build
<leio> yes, what I'm saying is if you have a .config that you use (e.g. local builds), it might get updated and may need to be restored; if it's some package build, I guess it is done anyways
<mps> yes, i know this, but anyway thanks
<mps> i always keep previous .configs
<mps> i finished build and boot 6.13.17-4, all is fine
<mps> thanks all
<chadmed> jannau: manifest verification fails on the linux-${ASAHI_BASE_TAG} diff. re-manifesting the package causes a patch failure :/
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<jannau> on 6.13.7_p4?
<chadmed> yeah
<jannau> downloaded / created by ebuild here so that's strange
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<chadmed> oh lmfaooo because thats what the ebuild says to dl
<chadmed> ill fix it up
<jannau> I thought I changed that
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<chadmed> all good, easy fix
<jannau> unipatch for gentoo sources somehow seems to be hable to deal with the duplicate commits in the patch files though
<chadmed> i wonder if we can swap to it for the dist-kernel
<chadmed> fixed and pushed
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<jannau> no, unipatch just silently ignores rejects. asahi-sources-6.13.7-p4 probably fails to build and needs to be swapped to .diff as well
<chadmed> let me push what i just did for the overlay and you can copy that and force push it over your ::gentoo PR
<chadmed> (build and runtime tested)
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<jannau> issue is just a missing dma-fence.c include in rust/helpers/helpers.c. I diffed the prepared asahi-kernel / asahi-sources soure trees
<chadmed> pushed to the overlay anyway
<jannau> I think unipatch deals correctly with duplicate patches but fails this patch sequence: A B A B if B introduces conflicts with A
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<leio> I'll be looking at that PR over weekend to get into ::gentoo in the hopes of improved hdmi audio support
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<userr> does the revert fn key thing works on 6.13.5 or 6.13.7? or does it need some kernel settings since that's when I started using custom kernel
<mps> userr: kernelsettings, iiuc question
<mps> /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode
<userr> yes, i have `options hid_apple fnmode=2` in /etc/modprobe.d/, it stopped working in 6.13.x
<mps> it works for me
<userr> `echo 2 >> /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode` works so /etc/modprobe.d/ is just not working
<userr> it works so I'll just figure out that modprobe thing later, thanks
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<mps> why '>>' I wonder
<mps> for me it is `echo 2 > /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode`
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