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<ponies> is speaker output even supported in asahi alarm? it definitely works in fedora, but upon switching its a no
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<chaos_princess> Does alarm have a "speakersafetyd" package or similar?
<ponies> its not in the repos as far as i can tell although there is AsahiLinux git
<chaos_princess> In that case the answer is no. They will need to package it and a few other things.
<ponies> chaos_princess: <3 <3 ty ty ty i got it
<ponies> it works tho
<chaos_princess> ?
<ponies> i just cloned the git and sudo make installed worked
<ponies> it still leaves open the question as to why it is not packaged
<chaos_princess> It is not enough on its own, you also need the files from "asahi-audio" and bankstown. (All should be under asahi github org)
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<chaos_princess> As to why it is not packaged, different distros have different amounts of people working on them, and as such some things might be unfinished. It you want stuff to "just work", i suggest sticking to fedora.
<chadmed> would be great if the alarm folks actually hung around to offer support too but alas...
<ponies> understood this is not a deal breaker
<chadmed> it should be tbh. not having speakersafetyd packaged is simply not good enough
<chadmed> unless youre using the machine as a headless server of course :p
<ponies> the packaging is pretty good including a lot of the AUR support 'any' arch
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<chadmed> hang on
<chaos_princess> this is more about asahi-alarm specifically, one would expect them to package at least all the hw enablement packages
<chadmed> do you have asahi alarm's repo enabled in pacman?
<chadmed> theyve got a pkgbuild for speakersafetyd...
<ponies> i jsut read that i may depend upon a patch although that was from a post dated 2024
<ponies> it's quite possible they literally have not got around to it yet lmao
<chadmed> they definitely have gotten around to it
<chadmed> neither mkurz or joske hang around here anymore though so idk how much support you'll get
<mps> you can use alpine APKBUILDs for alarm as examples for PKGBUILDs, they are similar
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<ponies> ah i got it, its the asahi-audio package
<ponies> that took me way too long to figure out
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<mps> chadmed: I see that you added mic in audio pkgs. nice!
<mps> (now have to push upgrades for alpine)
<chadmed> hold your horses
<chadmed> theyre still not enabled anywhere
<chadmed> these are just the configs. they dont do anything by themselves
<mps> ah ok. but nice to see that work on it continues
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<chaos_princess> mic eta wen?
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