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is speaker output even supported in asahi alarm? it definitely works in fedora, but upon switching its a no
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Does alarm have a "speakersafetyd" package or similar?
its not in the repos as far as i can tell although there is AsahiLinux git
In that case the answer is no. They will need to package it and a few other things.
chaos_princess: <3 <3 ty ty ty i got it
it works tho
i just cloned the git and sudo make installed worked
it still leaves open the question as to why it is not packaged
It is not enough on its own, you also need the files from "asahi-audio" and bankstown. (All should be under asahi github org)
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As to why it is not packaged, different distros have different amounts of people working on them, and as such some things might be unfinished. It you want stuff to "just work", i suggest sticking to fedora.
would be great if the alarm folks actually hung around to offer support too but alas...
understood this is not a deal breaker
it should be tbh. not having speakersafetyd packaged is simply not good enough
unless youre using the machine as a headless server of course :p
the packaging is pretty good including a lot of the AUR support 'any' arch
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hang on
this is more about asahi-alarm specifically, one would expect them to package at least all the hw enablement packages
do you have asahi alarm's repo enabled in pacman?