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<zzuzzz> I was having issues with xbps-remove -oO (remove orphans) removing mesa and asahi related packages, thus breaking all my wayland compositors. I guess mesa-asahi-linux (or whatever its called, mesa-asahi-dri?) depends on mesa/mesa-dri, but is not formally listed as a dependency?
<zzuzzz> This is the output when I try to update the system (xbps-install -Su)
<zzuzzz> And this is the output when I try to prune orphans (xbps-remove -oO)
<abby> no, all the asahi mesa packages should replace/provide their normal mesa equivalents, you shouldn't have regular mesa installed
<abby> "removed ... from cachedir" means it removed a file from /var/cache/xbps, not that it removed the package
<zzuzzz> I figured with that part but the ~mesa broken shlib libgallium~ part is what was questionable.
<zzuzzz> I have tried in the past to use mesa-asahi without mesa but then I wasn't able to get a wayland session running
<zzuzzz> I just removed mesa and mesa-libgallium -- reinstalled mesa-asahi. I'm going to see if it works
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<ponies> zuzz is it working?
<zzuzzz> orphans removed and wayland started, all good ^^
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<ponies> g
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<chadmed_> chaos_princess: disabling reduced x87 precision doesnt help
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<chaos_princess> bisect it is then, i guess
<chadmed_> yup on the weekend
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<mps> is M1 ARMv8 or ARMv9
<chaos_princess> v8
<mps> thanks
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<chaos_princess> chadmed_: mind also checking fex from current git main? would be interesting
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<chadmed> yeah sure thing
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