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<joske> getting this: `apple_aop 24ac00000.aop: probe with driver apple_aop failed with error -22` on 6.13.5-4 (asahi alarm)
<joske> this is on M1 MBA
<joske> on a 13 inch M2 MBP, aop does come up (exact same packages/kernel)
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<chaos_princess> this is intentional for now
<joske> oh ok
<joske> thx :-)
<jannau> I would have expected that only aop_audio fails but I wasn't paying attention
<joske> on the M2, even aop_audio works
<joske> that's what was confusing me
<chaos_princess> fedora/gentoo, or other altdistro?
<joske> alarm
<chaos_princess> make sure device trees are correct
<joske> should as it's the same kernel package (which has the dt)
<jannau> make sure you're not using asahi-6.13.5-1 or asahi-6.13.5-2
<joske> [ 0.000000] Linux version 6.13.5-asahi-4-1-ARCH
<joske> can I extract the full device tree from /proc or /sys to compare with the sources?
<jannau> find
<jannau> find /proc/device-tree/ -name 'audio' -exec ls '{}' \;
<jannau> as root
<jannau> `dtc -I fs -O dts -o - /proc/device-tree` to output the device tree but the binary format is lossy. the labels most importantly are lost
<joske> yeah seems the aop_audio entries are there
<chaos_princess> mind also running `ls /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/soc/aop\@*/audio/apple,no-beamforming`
<joske> yes it's there
<jannau> than the driver should not probe
<joske> ok
<jannau> does `arecord -l` report more than "card 0"
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<joske> it shows two subdevices for card 0
<jannau> and my expectation was correct. aop probes but no aop_audio snd card
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<joske> and expected that on j493, aop_audio probes and works?
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<jannau> how do you determine that aop_audio probes correctly? there's no error printed and I think aop doesn't destroy the device if probe() fails
<joske> well the mic device showed up and worked :-D
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<jannau> that's unexpected with "apple,no-beamforming" present
<joske> I did provide the special param
<chaos_princess> well...
<joske> yes, but I still don't understand why aop completely fails to probe on j313 while on j493 I can get all the way
<jannau> sigh
<joske> sorry, just trying to figure out if we are missing something in our packaging
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<noisycoil[mds]> Is someone running Debian on an M2 Mini and willing to test some u-boot patches?
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