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<matthewayers[m]> I came across this article earlier today.. Apparently Linus Torvalds himself is hoping to use Linux on a Mac.
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<Tramtrist> If my memory is correct he used to back in the day
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<Tramtrist> ya
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<phire> I think I broke my macos install
<phire> made a typo using kmutil and overwrote the kernelcache
<Glanzmann> phire: You can undo that.
<phire> I'm sure I can, just not sure how
<Glanzmann> phire: Power the system off.
<Glanzmann> wait 5 seconds. press and hold power on for 15 seconds, choose options, utilities > terminal
<Glanzmann> run: bputil -n
<Glanzmann> phire: I made a few videos which are linked from Watch them to get the idea. I'll redo them soon to have a decent font size.
<Glanzmann> Tramtrist: You can run slackware today. Just use the Debian live, extract your tarballs and compile a kernel.
<Glanzmann> Or extract the deb and use that.
<Glanzmann> mps: I'm also using Linux on the air a lot. Watched a movie on it yesterday evening.
<Glanzmann> mps: And like you, I look forward to poweroff support, smc, gpu and backlight control.
<phire> Glanzmann: that gives me "Failed to Create Local Policy"
<Glanzmann> phire: can you paste the output of 'diskutil list'
<Glanzmann> phire: Also, what did you do?
<Glanzmann> Did you use the asahi installer to create a stub partition or did you modify your existing macos partition?
<phire> that kmutil command, except I typoed -b instead of -B
<phire> which apparently overwrites the default kernel cache instead of creating a new one
<Glanzmann> So you tried to boot macos in the hypervisor?
<phire> as far as I can tell, it never got that far
<Glanzmann> Can you still access 1tr?
<phire> yes
<phire> so I should be able to fix it
<Glanzmann> phire: If bputil -n does not work, and noone else proposes a solution, than you can use 1tr to delete your existing macos instalation and reinstll.
<Glanzmann> Make sure to evacuate any data using 1tr.
<Glanzmann> phire: If you want to install Linux, on a m1 machine. Watch the videos and than follow the steps on
<phire> well, I kind of want to do hypervisor stuff
<Glanzmann> Oh, I see.
<phire> I already backed up the most important files, I'd just rather try and fix it then reinstall stuff
<Glanzmann> phire: So from diskutility, it does not look that bad. 1Boot, APFS and 1tr are thare as well as stub parition.
<Glanzmann> phire: Than wait until some of the devs are awake, maybe they can help you.
<phire> yeah, I think it's just the kernelcache in preboot that is broken
<Glanzmann> phire: Also next time, use cut & paste intestead of trying to type such a command ...
<phire> lol
<Glanzmann> sudo kextcache -i /
<Glanzmann> But I never tried to run macos in a hypervisor.
<phire> if I was smart, I would have setup a scratch macos to play with instead of using my main one
<Glanzmann> It happens, I once deleted 1tr, could no longer apply updates, used a second mac to reinstall it.
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<anon2022[m]> Hey everyone
<anon2022[m]> How long will it be before Asahi Linux will be ready for end user?
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<chadmed> i'd wager not until closer to the end of the year. we have a lot of work to do for the "nice to have" features yet.
<sven> it'll be done when it's done
<chadmed> as always, the best answer for these sorts of questions :D
<sven> estimates are hard enough already for software project where you don't need to reverse engineer everything ;)
<sven> *projects
<chadmed> maybe a better answer for us in particular would just be "when the features you need are officially listed as supported" or something
<immychan[m]> chadmed: That’s the best answer
<immychan[m]> I think for me what I’m waiting for is an easier to use installer, and GPU support
<chadmed> well see thats my point. i dont care to be on llvmpipe and i dont really need an easy to use installer, so where is my level of doneness? might be worth expounding on the wiki. ill see to it later this evening, actually
<chadmed> at the very least, the meaning of "done" from a development perspective should be decoupled from the user's.
<sven> i think from a development perspective we'll never be done :D
<chadmed> thats what i was alluding do :P
<Glanzmann> immychan[m]: I documented the shit out of the installation process and hope that it now is easy obtainable. But I'll add more videos and better instructions and adopt as soon as marcan handles more in the installer. - I'll redo the videos with bigger font size and less hickups.
<immychan[m]> Ty
<Glanzmann> And from my point of view the best supported models are the m1 air and 2020 pro. mini has slow video or wrong resolution. The new models don't have u-boot and as a result no wifi without tehtered boot. And the imac I never tried or heard from. So maybe there the video is also like the air/pro 2020.
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<Glanzmann> kloenk: If you have something that I can try for the chainloading from nvme, let me know, I would like to try it.
<kloenk> We are working on it. building a gpt library right now. all the existing ones need std, so not usable for us
<Glanzmann> I see.
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<Glanzmann> kettenis: Do you have a OpenBSD quickstart guide for the m1?
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<kettenis> install m1n1+u-boot, install OpenBSD like you would do on any other decent machine?
<Glanzmann> kettenis: I see. Where can I find the iso?
<mps> did someone tried to write firmware 'extract' in shell instead of python
<Glanzmann> mps: I did not. But I wrote something, but I assume that marcan will soon put the wifi in the stub partition and we can take it from there: curl -sL | sh
<kettenis> Glanzman: you'll need a snapshot at this point; too many device tree changes happened since last october
<mps> phire: I was wrong last night about brightness, tested it and it uses brightness set by macos
<Glanzmann> I see, thanks.
<mps> Glanzmann: installer needs python and I think it would be simpler and smaller for end users if python could be 'skipped'
<Glanzmann> mps: It is 15 MB, I think that is acceptable.
<j`ey> well the end user doesnt need to do anything, python is included in the installer itself
<j`ey> and it will just run in 1TR
<Glanzmann> j`ey: Btw. does the installer run from 1tr currently? Last time I tried it did not.
<mps> I doubt that debian (and some other distros) would like to run script downloaded from the net
<j`ey> this is before debian gets a chance to run anything though
<Glanzmann> mps: They can distribute on their site, but I think maracan will provide the installer and than you use the distro installation media.
<mps> sure, but distros like to have all needed tools signed somewhere with their keys
<j`ey> they can package the installer themselves
<Glanzmann> mps: I think there two ways, one way is package m1n1 the other one, the user takes care of m1n1, distro takes care of grub+kernel+dtb.
<kettenis> for the initial installation, the 2nd option is the only option
<marcan> mps: the installer isn't going to be rewritten in python
<j`ey> marcan: *shell :P
<marcan> er, in shell
<mps> ok
<marcan> (among other things, because it's not possible without adding a pile of dependencies, or doing very horrible things in shell)
<j`ey> marcan: and its your project and you like python
<mps> so I have to ask someone else to make installer package for alpine because I don't have experience with python packaging
<marcan> I mean if someone wants to implement incremental zip parsing and chunked HTTP downloads in shell they are very welcome to try :p
<j`ey> mps: but the installer is running on macOS right, not alpine
<Glanzmann> mps: There is a build script in the m1n1 repo, you can call it and it will package it for you.
<marcan> mps: you run ./
<j`ey> marcan: not :P
<mps> marcan: sure, it is your project and I don't insist on anything, just asked
<marcan> I'm confused as to what you think you need to do
<marcan> distros are of course welcome to repackage the installer, but there is little point at this stage nor is it really ready for that use case
<marcan> it will be at some point so we can support fully offline installs
<j`ey> if you package the installer.. you still need to extract it in macOS
<marcan> but users will still need to download a pile of stuff from apple online somehow
<mps> marcan: not now, I'm trying to predict future ;)
<marcan> either the whole ipsw, or using another script to pre-download the needed bits
<landscape15[m]> marcan: Considering that python is fully supported on macOS by default, why would you want to make a bash installer?
<marcan> landscape15[m]: it isn't
<marcan> not in recovery mode
<marcan> we bundle python3.9
<mps> but as Ypgi Berra told 'predicting, especially future is not easy'
<marcan> also they're actually dropping python
<marcan> because it's been the dead 2.7 forever
<marcan> AIUI python3 will be part of the xcode tools stuff
<mps> s/Ypgi/Yogi/
<marcan> and so vanilla macOS will no longer have python at all
<landscape15[m]> Yeah, but having a Python3.9 bundle seems flexible to me.
<marcan> (which is for the better if they otherwise planned on bundling 2.7...)
<j`ey> I'm still confused why a distro would ever need to package the installer
<marcan> j`ey: some distros will want the "dump the iso on a USB stick and run the script from *there* from 1TR" workflow because not having external dependencies or something
<j`ey> oh right, makes sense
<mps> j`ey: some ppl don't like 'curl http://somewhere/something | sh'
<marcan> but that's already ~trivial to do with a different bootstrap script, and we'll throw something like that in the installer repo at some point so distros can just pick it up
<landscape15[m]> marcan: basically you will be able to install Linux by simply running the distro package from 1TR right?
<marcan> landscape15[m]: yes, for distros that want to do it that way
<j`ey> mps: yeah but I was still thinking that you just need to unpack it and run it on the macOS anyway
<marcan> that all need discussion of what kind of workflow the *installer itself* should expose for installing the distro proper, we haven't even gotten to a standard for bundled distros even
<marcan> this is 90% bikeshedding and 10% code
<marcan> I'm not too worried about it right now :p
<marcan> part of this will be part of the tech doc I have half written
<landscape15[m]> marcan: well for me it’s the best way. This means that you can package a complete offline installer.
<marcan> landscape15[m]: you can't
<marcan> you still need to download >1GB from apple
<marcan> which you can't redistribute
<marcan> so users will have to download that themselves with another script first
<mps> marcan: personally I would use your method, but I know that distros will try somewhat different way
<landscape15[m]> marcan: yes I forgot that
<marcan> mps: distros are welcome to try whatever they want, but I'd hope they talk to us to make things easier for everyone
<marcan> especially since as NIH as distros like to be about this, I don't think they're silly enough to try to, say, reimplement the entire installer
<marcan> working out how to play ball with apple's undocumented bootability system wasn't exactly trivial
<mps> yes
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<marcan> now if they want to wrap those python classes in their own UX, that's fine by me
<landscape15[m]> mps: For now the installer fails in 1TR, at least for me
<mps> landscape15[m]: it failed also for me about 3-4 months ago when marcan told me to use it
<marcan> fails?
<mps> after that I did all steps manually and got it working fine
<_jannau_> the installer works in 1tr as intended for me
<mps> marcan: yes, it failed but I forgot why, probably I didn't understood it in that time
<landscape15[m]> mps: doing it manually means using a lot of disk space
<Glanzmann> marcan: Last time I tried, the installer fails when you start in 1tr, but in macos it works.
<marcan> "fails" is not a useful bug report
<marcan> can we be more specific?
<Glanzmann> marcan: I wrote at the time in irc. I'll try it again and file a github issues.
<mps> i could try again on next macos upgrade
<landscape15[m]> marcan: The last time I tried was before Christmas. I’ll try again these days
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<Glanzmann> I try right now and report back.
<marcan> the last "totally fails to start" issue we had was the FileVault thing with the frameworks path, and that was fixed ages ago IIRC
<_jannau_> it has worked for me without issues from 1tr in the last weeks (ignoring 12.1 kmutil breakage and unsigned beta releases)
<_jannau_> the latter is fixed and the kmutil will be "fixed" when we remove macos 11 from the installer
<marcan> no idea if it fails on some random 11.x version, but those are no longer supported as of *merges #11* now
<j`ey> 41 seconds ago
<marcan> I should probably add a shell check to to yell at you loudly if you're on 11.x, just to avoid getting bug reports from weirdo issues on old OSes that will error out later anyway
<chadmed> hopefully no one's on 11.x these days, the new quickstart guide prescribes at least 12.0.1
* j`ey looks at his 11.x macbook air
<marcan> someone somewhere is going to try to run it on 11.0.1 or whatever which can't even run unsigned binaries from 1TR...
<marcan> so yeah we should have that check in the shellscript :p
<chadmed> yeah the check of course makes sense, would just be quite the peculiar person who is just starting out and on such an old version of macos
<marcan> old stock machine, never used or upgraded
<j`ey> someone probably has an unopened m1, waiting for asahi :P
<mps> ah, maybe I was tried on 11.x
<marcan> I should also add an early check for lack of macOS credentials
<marcan> because people are going to try running it before going through macOS setup, and that won't work either
<landscape15[m]> marcan: Also a check that you are in the right recovery should be useful. I don’t know if there is already.
<marcan> I just added that the other day
<marcan> for step2
<landscape15[m]> Ok thanks
<marcan> tells you to shut down again and press and hold the power button once
<marcan> even I hit that sometimes
<marcan> it's really finicky
<j`ey> marcan: I didnt get that, do you accidentally get into system recovery?
<marcan> just non-1TR mode, which happens when the physical button press isn't exactly what it needs to be
<marcan> e.g. tapping the power button then holding it again will get you into options but it won't count as 1TR
<j`ey> weird
<marcan> it's two different things
<mps> I hit these few times
<marcan> iBoot checks for a held button to get into options
<marcan> but 1TR is a lower level "was the power button held from cold startup once" signal somewhere
<marcan> so you can trigger one but not the other
<marcan> e.g. holding down on reboot will get you into options
<marcan> but that is definitely not 1TR
<marcan> you can also trigger the bootpicker in software, pretty sure, or force a one-time boot into options or so
<marcan> that nvram var is even freely writable IIRC
<marcan> but again, definitely not 1TR
<landscape15[m]> marcan: does the system go directly into DFU mode if no OS is present?
<marcan> if system recovery is present it goes into system recovery
<marcan> if it isn't it'll show an iBoot "please recover me" screen
<marcan> if the NOR is wiped it should go into DFU
<marcan> in principle we could support a "replace macOS with Linux" workflow; we'd have to copy out the machine owner plist first before wiping it, and I still haven't tested if we can wipe recovery from that recovery (if recoveryOS is loaded as a ramdisk or streamed from disk)
<marcan> (if it's streamed we'd need yet another reboot there to switch to system recoveryOS after copying the machine owner list to, say, iSCPreboot)
<landscape15[m]> Mmm.. I thought the NOR is unwritable. If it’s wiped you can’t do anything
<marcan> NOR should be recoverable via DFU but I haven't tried it
<marcan> thinking of doing it on my unopened mac mini, for science
<Glanzmann> marcan: Installer failed for me.
<Glanzmann> But I tried only once and I had that particular failure I think also once under macos.
<marcan> your network is bad
<marcan> other people have had that
<marcan> I should add a retry mechanism; people's internet connections seem to be worse than I expect...
<landscape15[m]> marcan: so where is DFU code located?
<marcan> ROM
<Glanzmann> marcan: I'm on 1 Gbit/s fibre. And have no other issues.
<marcan> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<marcan> that is obviously an HTTP connection error there
<marcan> it's not even in our code
<landscape15[m]> marcan: I guess I’m a bit confused :) the BootROM is located inside the ROM memory (which chip?), so what is the NOR flash for?
<marcan> landscape15[m]: the ROM is in the M1
<marcan> the NOR flash is for iBoot1 and system firmware and NVRAM
<marcan> and syscfg
<sven> apple calls that thing securerom fwiw
<marcan> yeah
<landscape15[m]> ok got it. So the system is always recoverable. As long as you can enter DFU mode.
<marcan> in theory, yes :)
<marcan> need to test the worst case scenario still
<landscape15[m]> Curious to know. But I won’t do it on mine ;)
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<marcan> Glanzmann: try again
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<marcan> wait hold on
<marcan> wrong link
<marcan> try now :p
<Glanzmann> I'll do so.
<Glanzmann> While doing the disk utility dance, has someone a oneliner to delete the stub apfs container under macos? I normally use linux but that requires a stub ...
<landscape15[m]> Maybe you can use disk until deleteContainer
<landscape15[m]> s/disk/diskutil/, s/until//
<Glanzmann> I have to try that next time.
<Glanzmann> Trying now.
<landscape15[m]> Glanzmann: You will then have free space, that you can merge in another container
<Glanzmann> I see, I want free space and avoid merging the container. Writing that down.
<marcan> diskutil apfs deleteContainer
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<Glanzmann> marcan: It works and it did do one retry:
<Glanzmann> Thank you.
<marcan> I see two
<marcan> you might want to look into that flaky network ;)
<j`ey> maybe apple has bad CDNs for Germany :P
<Glanzmann> Maybe it is my provider.
<lopp3r> Is there any ETA on the next blogg post? Not meaning to be pushy, just really enjoy reading them and follow progress. I am not invested or savy enough to follow the development progress by "myself" :p
<Glanzmann> marcan: I work interactively on a remote system colocated at Hetzner. No issues. And I download every morning 300 GB offsite backups ...
<marcan> try curling the IPSW URL from 1TR, if that works and the installer doesn't something's fishy
<Glanzmann> marcan: Will do right now.
<lopp3r> Oh, and sorry to interupt your conversation
<landscape15[m]> I’m wondering if you can set a proxy in 1TR
<marcan> in principle now that we got rid of the phone-home we could implement that in the installer itself
<marcan> give users an option to set a proxy
<j`ey> lopp3r: no ETA
<Glanzmann> Let me try with a download manager.
<marcan> Glanzmann: did it actually fail there?
<marcan> can't tell if it stopped or not
<Glanzmann> marcan: It stopped.
<marcan> heh
<Glanzmann> Than I ctrl-ced it.
<Glanzmann> So I started with 50 MB/s. Than it went to 0.
<lopp3r> j`ey: I see, understandable. Guess I'll just have to be patient then
<Glanzmann> Now I'm downloading with aria2c and I'm getting >= 120 MB/s
<lopp3r> landscape15: Cool thanks!
<landscape15[m]> lopp3r: no problem
<marcan> Glanzmann: might be worth debugging with packet traces and such if you can, and trying against another server
<marcan> you might have bad equipment
<marcan> this kind of thing happens sometimes
<marcan> I've seen some bizarre combination of nextcloud and android and some wifi break TLS sessions with corruption
<Glanzmann> I know, Let me try from hetzner on a 10 Gbit/s link.
<marcan> bbl, dinner
<Glanzmann> marcan: l8er. And thank you for making the installer more robust.
<marcan> this was on the list anyway :)
<sven> fwiw, hetzner servers (especially the ones from their serverbörse) are known for using old and sometimes even partially broken hardware
<Glanzmann> sven: I have a rack with my own hardware.
<sven> they'll happily replace those components if they fail though (at least they did with my server's disks)
<sven> ah, heh, nvm then
<Glanzmann> There I have no issues, but only get 50 MB/s.
<lopp3r> Is it expected for the Asahi project to "catch up" to the release of new Apple silicon, or do you think that Linux support will always lagg a few generations behind?
<landscape15[m]> Is this still needed
<Glanzmann> landscape15[m]: Personally I also think that the new FeatureStatus is more helpful.
<chadmed> lopp3r: we're banking on most of the core logic to stay static between SoC generations, so most things required for booting should Just Work(tm) on new devices
<chadmed> as for other things, once they are reverse engineered for the first time and people understand how it works on a basic level, any iterative design changes are faster to work through
<_jannau_> lopp3r: support for newer generations will be faster. Apple does change things only if there's a reason for it. Also we have gained experioence and have a lot of infrastructure in place
<chadmed> landscape15[m]: yeah imo that page isnt needed anymore at all, im currently writing a page clarifying the levels of "doneness" as discussed earlier
<nsklaus> chadmed: what will be the link to that page ? :)
<chadmed> nsklaus: "When will Asahi Linux be done?" (in quotation marks, because the idea is that a newcomer is asking the question
<landscape15[m]> chadmed: yeah I think it’s a better way. Also since the “project status” is continually evolving
<nsklaus> so i can add it to my pages list of ever-refreshing loop
<nsklaus> Glanzmann: ty
<chadmed> ill have a link for you once i push it, but im still writing
<landscape15[m]> chadmed: the answer is never :)
<chadmed> landscape15[m]: yeah exactly, but we've had quite a few people over the last few days come in asking about timeframes and such so i think it will be useful to have a page explaining things
<nsklaus> chadmed: i see, i'll be eagerly waiting for it then, thank you
<landscape15[m]> So it would be enough explaining the “update cycle” of Asahi stuff
<chadmed> yeah ill have a note on that at the end, something like "But what happens when Apple release new hardware?"
<nsklaus> chadmed: when then page is expected to be available ? for example, you're writing it for today or for next week ?
<chadmed> im writing it right now, itll be done within a couple hours i reckon
<chadmed> likely sooner
<nsklaus> nice :)
<nsklaus> moar news :)
<nsklaus> btw, i asked before a little off-topic question, what is the prefered way of people on linux to access iphone/ipad to transfer documents ? for example, i have a few giga of books ( .epub and .pdf) and i would like to copy them on the iphone and ipad
<Glanzmann> nsklaus: You do a cifs share.
<nsklaus> i asked it one or two days ago but i don't remember seeing a response
<ChaosPrincess> ifuse
<chadmed> id copy them to a network share (samba works fine) and access them directly on the idevice
<Glanzmann> Copy on that and than copy to the phone. That is what I did on my wifes iphone. It works out of the box.
<jn> (for longer offtopic conversations, there's the #asahi-offtopic channel)
<nsklaus> ChaosPrincess: ifuse is able to access ios space ?
<ChaosPrincess> you can mount any app that shows under
<nsklaus> ok, maybe it's better if i continue that talk on asahi-offtopic ?
<nsklaus> i'd like to ask for more details on to accessing space using ifuse
<phire> So I reinstalled macos, and now m1n1 won't boot
<phire> "rootvp not authenticated after mounting" error
<phire> I assume there is something I need to do in recovery to get it working again? Running a second time didn't fix it
<lopp3r> chadmed: That's sound promising!
<lopp3r> _jannau_: Glad to hear!
<marcan> lopp3r: basic support should happen quickly; things like GPU generation changes might require significant effort (months/a year) to catch up to, depending on how much changed.
<marcan> I caught up M1 Max and Pro in a couple days
<marcan> (but then again there wasn't that much to catch up to; e.g. they're now behind on audio support somewhat)
<lopp3r> @marcan: I see, thats so cool to hear! Really impressed by all of you guis :))
<lopp3r> chadmed: Will that page also be on the docs-wiki at GitHub?
<chadmed> affirmative, ill link it here for proofreading when im done and if theres no significant issues ill add it to the sidebar
<chadmed> i would like to polish up the wiki a bit over the next couple of weeks to make it more approachable, some of the pages lack clarity or are not as well structured as they could be
<sven> Sounds like a good idea!
<chadmed> we have a lot of eyes on us now, and it looks a bit unprofessional when they click through to the wiki and theyre greeted with "uart works, penguins in the framebuffer" :P
<Glanzmann> My firmware extractor was broken because I did not set the path for python correctly, just in case you tried it an it failed. I did not notice because I had xcode installed ... I noticed because I tried it now in 1tr. curl -sL | sh
<phire> This is the output from bputil for the Linux partition
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<phire> I think: "Kernel CTRR Status: Enabled" is causing issues, but when I try to disable it with bputil -c, I get an "error 17"
<chadmed> fwiw you can just nuke the Linux APFS container and start anew with the installer. it wont affect your linux rootfs
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<phire> well, I put a second osx install in that container (might not have been the smartest idea)
<phire> Might have to do that
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<Glanzmann> phire: This might become handy: diskutil apfs deleteContainer
<Glanzmann> But delete the right one, if not, I can you upload a tutorial for idevicerestore that I received this morning via email.
<phire> I deleted the right one
<Glanzmann> Maybe I'll put it in the wiki.
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<chadmed> initial version done, would appreciate some more eyes on for proofreading :)
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<phire> I'm so happy you included "Never"
<chadmed> its my favourite answer to give ;)
<chadmed> i feel like that final section on new hardware would likely serve its purpose better at the top of the Feature Support page
<jn> about "When it is listed as supported on the Wiki." — the Project Status page disagrees
<chadmed> lmao yeah i think we can nix that page
<jn> maybe the Project status page should just be pruned out, but the way it is now, it's just very outdated
<chadmed> its not really necessary in my opinion unless some major shit hits the fan and we have to stop, in which case a new splash page telling people what's going on would make more sense
<opticron> chadmed, nice intro
<opticron> no obvious mistakes jumped out at me
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<chadmed> awesome
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<landscape15[m]> chadmed: I like it :) before asking on IIRC everyone should know that the wiki contains almost every detail
<phire> marcan: the documentation seems to be missing a step for booting macos under the m1n1 hypervisor. How to I point it at the correct root volume?
<hramrach> You could say it will be done some time after Apple switches to yeat another completely different CPU architecture
<marcan> phire: you don't, you install m1n1 on top of a macOS install
<phire> ah, that makes more sense
<marcan> I've never tried to "cross" a macOS install like that but I expect things to break (though maybe they won't? I always kind of assumed the SEP context knows about OS identity so things will go wrong there, but I never actually tried it)
<marcan> but in principle you could try poking the right UUIDs in the ADT and seeing what happens
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<marcan> it definitely needs to be the same stub version as the macOS version in that case though, and kernel, otherwise things will definitely explode
<phire> indeed
<sven> where explode usually means some truly weird kernel panic that might send you down a debugging rabbit hole (ask me how i know....)
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<phire> installing over macos is just a matter of putting m1n1.bin in / and disabling security and running the kmutil configure-boot command?
<sven> you can just grab a m1n1.bin using curl from 1TR and downgrading security + using that configure-boot command
<sven> configure-boot will stash the m1n1.bin to wherever iboot loads it from
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<j`ey> (that is, you cant just overwirte the m1n1.bin to change it, you have to re-kmutil)
<phire> interesting
<marcan> yeah, m1n1.bin can just be anywhere, the installer puts it in / because it can be convenient to have lying around
<marcan> it can be in the ramdisk $HOME
<phire> and what is the kmutil command to return it to regular booting?
<marcan> use bputil instead to put it into full security
<marcan> (or reduced)
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<_jannau_> even putting it into permissive security restores the original kernel
<phire> which still happens to have the original kernel?
<marcan> yes, it doesn't overwrite it
<marcan> fuOS is stored under a separate filename
<marcan> (it has to, the original kernel is still used for recovery mode)
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<Glanzmann> marcan: I tested my networking equipment by downloading a 12 GB from a hetzner webserver, no issue full wirespeed. So the problems I'm seeing are either from my provider (German Telekom), Transit Provider or Apple CDN (Provider). But thank you for making the installer more robust. I was seeing this error multiple times, but apparantly did not read the error message and thought that I do something else
<Glanzmann> wrong (like deleting the old stub and recreating it immedately without rebooting).
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<marcan> Glanzmann: HTTP or HTTPS? make sure it's HTTPS
<marcan> but yeah, could be an issue further upstream
<Glanzmann> marcan: I tried https.
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<Glanzmann> Btw. the Debian livesystem is nice. I just booted it up, installed blackbox and used gparted to move some partitions around grew them (moving and growing 18 GB of ext4 took 51 seconds ...)
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<Glanzmann> marcan: You're new installer is idiot safe. I booted in the reocvery os by accident and it detected it. :-)
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<sami-dev[m]> Can we expect a progress report for December - January anytime soon for us normies who just want to know how the project is coming along? :D
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<Glanzmann> sami-dev[m]: wifi, smc work in progress, marcan found a techincal support tool, hdmi mini, installer robustness, dcp driver, sound jack, u-boot, debian install with manual kernel and grub installation.
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<Glanzmann> j`ey: Nothing was pushed to marcans linux tree on github.
<Glanzmann> jannau: Regarding the dcp, is that something I can test already?
<j`ey> Glanzmann: there was some m1n1 changes merged today, not linux!
<jannau> no, the current work is not functional but hopefully making the driver upstreamable
<Glanzmann> j`ey: Oh, I see.
<Glanzmann> jannau: I see, thanks.
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<landscape15[m]> I think GitHub is down. Error 500
<jannau> works here
<jannau> except for the m1n1, linux and asahi-installer repos
<jannau> and back
<landscape15[m]> Yeah it was only that, now works
<mcampbell> it's been up/down a bit over the last few mins; my company noted it as well.
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<mcampbell> Our IT person, Steven, was looking at it. We had to invoke our YaSaaS (Yelling at Steven as a Service) service.
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<DmitrySboychakov[m]> lol
<DmitrySboychakov[m]> nice service
<st3g4n0[m]> Glanzmann: it wasnt a kernel panic... where is what is logs at restart
<j`ey> st3g4n0[m]: have you built the watchdog driver?
<st3g4n0[m]> i dont know
<st3g4n0[m]> xd
<st3g4n0[m]> but always displays a watchdog msg
<j`ey> st3g4n0[m]: look in your config for CONFIG_APPLE_WATCHDOG
<st3g4n0[m]> do you have a .macho with kernel with all patches?
<st3g4n0[m]> for mac mini?
<st3g4n0[m]> or kernel built?
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<Glanzmann> st3g4n0[m]: if you want the binary.
<st3g4n0[m]> thx
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<st3g4n0[m]> Glanzmann: just compiled
<st3g4n0[m]> but it doenst pass asahi m1n1 bootlogo
<Glanzmann> st3g4n0[m]: I would update the stub.
<Glanzmann> Maybe also change the boot chain to u-boot.
<Glanzmann> And update m1n1.
<Glanzmann> You have a mini, right?
<Glanzmann> So my mini and air does boot with this kernel.
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