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<jyost> has anyone gotten a zscaler arm64 client to work?
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<blackMysticCat> Hi! Im looking at a post rn on Asahi Linux mastodon about a memory layout bug for macOS Sonoma 14.5, but I'm thinking the fix is outdated now. I havent updated macOS or asahi fedora -- will booting into asahi and updating fix the issue? (and allow me to safely update macOS?)Or do I need to run `curl | sh` still?
<nicolas17> huh memory layout?
<nicolas17> ah yeah found it
<nicolas17> blackMysticCat: what Mac do you have?
<blackMysticCat> M1 Pro on Sonoma 14.2.1
<nicolas17> then I think this bug doesn't affect you at all, it only affects M2-series desktops (not laptops, not M1-series)
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<nicolas17> so it doesn't matter in what order you update macOS, update Linux, and/or update the stage-1 m1n1 using
<blackMysticCat> I saw that, just wanted to be sure I guess! thank you
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<nicolas17> updating packages on Linux won't update the stage1 m1n1, the only way to update it is using the installer script
<nicolas17> but if you're on M1, you don't really have an important reason to update it
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<blackMysticCat> makes sense. I'll go ahead and update both then
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<vveapon> hi all. so I updated kwin (I assume this is the issue) on my M1 iMac and now I'm getting full screen black frame flashes when too much redraws at once :/ like if I scroll too fast in Firefox or maximise a window
<vveapon> alicejustplaying: I had the same issue, had to disable the kwin blur effect after installing an ICC profile
<alicejustplaying> yep disabling blur fixed it
<vveapon> ok disabling colour profile didn't fix my whole screen black flashes :( I'll try a reboot just in case
<vveapon> ok well it's fine now. I guess I'll just see if it comes back
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<alicejustplaying> i had those too it seems to have stopped for now. i love desktop linux
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<harryheres> Hows it going? :)
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<alicejustplaying> vveapon: ok nvm the flashes are back and they are bad
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<alicejustplaying> vveapon: the flashing doesn't seem ICC related it happens when i remove it as well
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<alicejustplaying> that's... worse.
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<colemickens_irc> did y'all block the matrix bridge? when I try to join it tells me I'm banned?
<colemickens_irc> (but presumably I'm not banned since I'm identified here and can send)
<j`ey> yep
* colemickens_irc sighes
<colemickens_irc> this wound up answering the question I had:
<colemickens_irc> God speed, thanks to all y'all working on this.
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