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<Calandracas_> is it better to submit patches to asahi's mesa fork, or to upstream mesa? I super minor fix that allows mesa to be cross compiled
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<runxiyu_> noob question: can I use qemu to virtualize for 4k pages? or do I have to emulate
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<jannau> Calandracas_: regarding asahi_clc? mesa has the same issue for other drivers, see for reference. build issue should reproduce in upstream mesa
<Calandracas> yeah it does reproduce in upstream mesa too
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<j`ey> runxiyu_: yes qemu supports 4k virtualisation
<j`ey> runxiyu_: that's how the current MicroVM approach to running games etc, works
<runxiyu_> Thanks!
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<taniyama> i am being unable to use an external keyboard to type in the password for an encrypted LUKS volume while in initramfs
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<taniyama> i currently have this in my modules inside of mkinitcpio.conf MODULES=(usbhid xhci_hcd)
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<j`ey> what about dwc3?
<taniyama> i'll try
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<taniyama> it still not working, uboot appears to recognize the usb device though, and it works right after unlocking the drive
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<jannau> taniyama: possible missing for the type-c ports: xhci_plat_hcd, apple_dart, phy_apple_atc, i2c_pasemi_platform, tps6598x
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