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<Harriet> How can I disable macOS's system integrity protection?
<Harriet> Startup Security Utility: In order ti change security settings, please power off your Mac and then hold the oower button to startup macOS recovery.
<Harriet> csrutil: The OS environment does not allow changing security configuration options. Ensure that the system was booted into Recovery OS via the standard user action.
<nicolas17> is macOS the default boot OS?
<Harriet> I changed it into macOS then restarted and entered recovery OS
<Harriet> looks like I need a full shutdown
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<orangera1n> hey hows m3/m3 pro going?
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<chadmed> orangera1n: paraphrasing nute gunray, no reports until we have something to report
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<WeaselSoup> How does asahi works regarding to the APFS filesystem ?, During installation (from MacOSX) it create APFS Volume/Container using MacOSX tools to copy the filesystem into and then during boot, then apple bootloader support APFS to boot from ?
<j`ey> yes asahi has no AFPS support
<WeaselSoup> I'm asking because I would like to know is Asahi could be used to manipulate APFS disks
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<j`ey> there is nothing in asahi for that, there are some open source apfs fuse stuff, but they seem experimental
<WeaselSoup> Ok thanks
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<WeaselSoup> Yeah read-only works fine with the fuse
<WeaselSoup> Does it also means the asahi kernel works on some "block" level to read/write from the disk ?
<j`ey> it's accessing the nvme directly, so it can just use any linux FS
<WeaselSoup> Ah, it's resizing the Apple disk and create a partition directly
<WeaselSoup> I see
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<WeaselSoup> Apple disk / Apple partition with the APFS
<WeaselSoup> Thanks j`ey
<j`ey> if you want some shared storage, probably FAT is the easiest thing to do
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<leio> fwiw, I use exFAT for that purpose
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<PaulFertser> Doesn't macOS support any sane FS?
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<j`ey> APFS? :p
<PaulFertser> It's not sane if it's supported nicely just by a single implementation in a proprietary OS.
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