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<abyxq> I know Xorg setups aren't supported, but does anyone have any pointers on why Pipewire stops detecting any devices/nodes as soon as I start an x session?
<abyxq> I have no idea how this audio stack works at all, so I don't know where to start debugging
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<abyxq> It works fine in text mode.
<j`ey> abyxq: are you using systemd? is pipewire still running?
<j`ey> I dont know exactly, but it seems that pipewire is related to 'seat'/session handling, and maybe a new X session starts a new seat
<abyxq> j`ey: Yep
<ar> abyxq: given you're running an X session… you're not using a login manager, and don't have systemd (especially systemd-logind)?
<abyxq> Oh hm. Thanks for the tip.
<ar> (login manager: sddm or something)
<abyxq> ar: Yeah, but pipewire.service is running
<j`ey> maybe try restart it from inside X
<abyxq> When I did that, it just didn't register any new devices until I killed the X session and tried playing sound in the tty
<abyxq> Sometimes it does work, but I can't reproduce it reliably
<LarstiQ> it's treating the console and the X seats as separate?
<abyxq> Seems like, but it's the same pipewire session.
<j`ey> could try stopping pipewire, starting X, starting pipewire..
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<abyxq> hm, same result.
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<abyxq> maybe it's missing some env var
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<abyxq> For posterity, adding the user to the audio group turned out to be a good workaround.
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<abyxq> So it must be some kind of permissions issue.
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<Nefsen402> I kinda feel guilty mosting this MR because it might get people asking too many questions. But exciting
<Nefsen402> s/mosting/posting
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