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<runxiyu> 17:30 <sven>: you can also mention that dp altmode and thunderbolt is in progress and should come sometime in 2024 i know it's nowhere near ready yet but I do want to know where the current development is happening
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<sprokkel> Hi Question: with my fedora gnome asahi system using firefox I can't watch streams on (It's airing the olympics in my country. I tried with another non-asahi system running ubuntu24.04 with firefox and with that setup I can watch streams. What could be different ?
<ar> sprokkel: my guess would be drm
<ar> (as in, media encryption/restrictions thing)
<sprokkel> that is possible.
<sprokkel> any fix for it?
<jannau> `sudo widevine-installer`
<PaulFertser> sprokkel: how can something be fixed that's defective by design?
<ar> PaulFertser: while true, that's not helpful
<PaulFertser> ar: is suggesting to run proprietary code that's meant to deprive end users of their rights helpful? I mean people should be educated about the situation first and only after that probably given means to consent to the abuse.
<j`ey> PaulFertser: yes it is helpful
<PaulFertser> Diversity is good, right? You have one opinion about what's helpful, I have another.
<j`ey> yes we disagree there!
<chaos_princess> i see the fossbros are out in force today :P
<chaos_princess> sprokkel: anyway, run the command that janna_u linked, then reboot the system, the command says that it is enough to restart the browser, but it might be wrong
<PaulFertser> Reading the blog post about investigating and patching widevine to make it compatible with 16k systems was nice because it's educational and inspirational. But actually running the filth should be a conscious decision in my book.
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<sprokkel2> oke thanks i'm trying that.
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<sprokkel> Oke I tried the widewine-installer, it's not fixing the problem.
<sprokkel> I can post the error message I get?
<chaos_princess> sure, but don't expect much at this point
<runxiyu> sprokkel: please use a pastebin btw
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<sprokkel2> Ow, I got it to work. (I disabled the widevine plugin in Firefox yesterday for debugging the problem, Now I enabled it and the streams are working) - so widevine does work. Thanks !!
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