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<Slendi> Hello, for some reason, in the kernels released after 6.9.6-400, my external USB SSD (Samsung P7 2TB) is detected, but it's not detected as a drive, so when I lsblk, only my nvmes are listed. Here's the kernel log when I plug the drive in and out:
<Slendi> I also tried to power it manually on and off in /sys
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<PaulFertser> Slendi: hi! In the future please paste full kernel log as text to some pastebin.
<Slendi> How do I do that if I am in the rescue mode
<PaulFertser> Slendi: no network access?
<Slendi> I use wireless
<Slendi> aka wifi
<Slendi> is nmcli available?
<PaulFertser> Slendi: so "sudo dmesg | nc 9999"
<PaulFertser> Slendi: sure why not
<Slendi> Alright, any other kernel cmdline flags?
<PaulFertser> Slendi: why are you in rescue mode if the problem is with external USB drive?
<Slendi> It cannot find the root parition
<PaulFertser> Is your root on USB SSD?
<Slendi> And my root partition is on the external SSD
<Slendi> yes
<PaulFertser> Ah ok.
<Slendi> Do I add ignore_loglevel to the cmdline?
<PaulFertser> Slendi: I guess the problem is that with that newer kernel you generated initramfs which lacks usb-storage kernel module.
<Slendi> Where is the file where I can explicitly specify the module?
<PaulFertser> I think you might also want "uas.ko' there.
<PaulFertser> Slendi: depends on your distro of course.
<Slendi> fedora remix
<Slendi> nvm /etc/dracut.conf
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<Slendi> PaulFertser: like this? add_drivers+="uas usb-storage"
<Slendi> I'll reboot
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<Slendi> OK I discovered something quite weird, there's no kernel modules directory for 6.9.9-403, but in the initramfs of the 6.9.9-403 theres directories present for 402 and 404
<Slendi> what's even weirder is that then im booted up, in my /usr/lib/modules, theres a 403 and no 404 and 402
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<Slendi> PaulFertser: Do you have any idea why this may be happening? I did a dracut -p --regenerate-all --force -v to regenerate my initframfses
<Slendi> What I also noticed is that when I did an ip l, only lo was present
<MichaelLong> hmm this is weird, from one day to another my carefully handcrafted / transplanted bluetooth-pairing data for my bt keyboard and bt mouse, is not working anymore :/
<Slendi> wait i think i fixed it hold on
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<Slendi> I have managed to manually boot into the new kernel using the GRUB command line, for some reason, it loads the wrong file, even though the grub configuration is correct
<Slendi> Is there any alternative bootloader I can try out?
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<PaulFertser> Slendi: hey, have you found why it was happening?
<Slendi> A grub-mkconfig from the new kernel version seems to have worked
<Slendi> Yeah Grub was grabbing the wrong initramfs somehow
<PaulFertser> Hm, config generation shouldn't depend at all on the currently running kernel though.
<Slendi> maybe the $root was set wrong idk
<PaulFertser> Slendi: depending on what you really need probably you might want to use u-boot directly? So that U-boot loads the kernel right away, without going through GRUB?
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<Calandracas> you could try rEFInd
<Calandracas> or use UKI, or sysd boot
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<PaulFertser> Calandracas: doesn't systemd-boot essentially depends on being able to change EFI variables?
<Calandracas> oh yeah I totaly forgot about that :P
<PaulFertser> But U-boot is already always there on any Asahi system so if there're no special requirements why not let it boot the kernel right away?
<Slendi> I like the idea of booting directly with U-Boot, is there documentation available?
<Slendi> nvm
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<Calandracas> because having something like grub or rEFInd is useful in case you screw up your kernel somehow. You could still recover things from u-boot cli but its eaiser imo with grub or rEFInd
<Slendi> Thank you guys for the help
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