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<grandolas> Hi - anyone tried to connect Mini with WJESOG HDMI to USB C cable to Studio Display? Not sure if it does not work or I received damaged cable...
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<PaulFertser> grandolas: is that cable supposed to be just an alt DP mode to HDMI adapter or a USB Video Card?
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<PaulFertser> Or is it the other way round, HDMI is converted to DP?
<grandolas> No idea... This is the one: - people in comments says about successful connections to ASD so I thought it will work for Asahi as well...
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<grandolas> I suppose HDMI to DP
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<chadmed> grandolas: asahi has no support for dp alt mode or any form of usb-c display at all
<chadmed> this will be rectified of course at some point
<grandolas> I know but if HDMI works it should work as well, right?
<grandolas> it is kind of hardware converter from HDMI to USBC with power supply
<grandolas> but of course I am not an expert here :)
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<PaulFertser> grandolas: does your Mac have an HDMI port and you want that HDMI signal to be converted to Display Port to feed into the display?
<grandolas> exactly
<PaulFertser> grandolas: and are you sure that cable is meant for that purpose, and not the other way round like connecting an HDMI display to a computer with Type-C port?
<grandolas> The name says so and reviews says people are able to connect HDMI devices to Studio Display...
<PaulFertser> chadmed: but HDMI output there is supposed to be fully supported, right?
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<chadmed> yeah sorry i misunderstood what the adapter does
<chadmed> odd that it doesnt work then
<PaulFertser> Any reasonable way to check? Is "xrandr" output supposed to be good for that HDMI port or is that also all hardcoded for the current firmware interface?
<PaulFertser> Or probably that great display reports some mode that's not currently supported by HDMI output but then there should be a log about that somewhere? grandolas have you checked if anything new appears in dmesg when you connect it?
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<grandolas> no - nothing in dmesg
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<grandolas> I've just tried with PS5 and it does not work as well, so either cable came damaged of Studio Display refuses to work for some reason... I don't have any other monitor with USBC input unfortunately
<grandolas> *or
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<grandolas> Seems that I must wait until proper driver is developed... :)
<PaulFertser> grandolas: but you say PS5 doesn't work either, so probably it's the cable after all.
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