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<gadnt> hello, i discovered a problem lately since i got an hdmi-vga adapter so i could use my mac mini with my CRT display and found that trying to use the modeline commands under both sway and hyprland with WLR_BACKENDS set to drm just causes the system to freeze and i have to shutdown with the power button
<gadnt> i dont know what backend sway and hyprland use by default, but trying to set the modelines without setting it causes nothing to happen
<gadnt> the hdmi-vga adapter can swap modes just fine on another computer, and i am still using it on the mac mini, but I am stuck at using the default modes, 480p, 720p, 1080p all at 60hz and i cant use the modelines i lvoe to use with this CRT
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<jannau> gadnt: it is not possible to use other modes than offered by the driver. I wouldn't expect that the display dies when trying that. I would have expected that it recovers when it reverts to a supported mode
<jannau> gadnt: it might be possible to support custom modes but looking into that has no priority at all
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<dererk> Hi there! I'm running Debian on m1 pro by packages patches, and it seems that wayland support is broken, but I'm able to use X11 still, any clues if this is something already known ?
<dottedmag> Please ask in Debian support channels
<dottedmag> Ah, my apologies, I was thinking I'm in #wayland :-) Please ignore above.
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<cy8aer> dererk: Better go to #asahi-alt but I for myself cannot say anything about X11...
<cy8aer> ... and we can checkup the kernel versions and mesa and so on.
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<dererk> hey cy8aer! I'm tempted to think it's something on the wayland support since switching kde backend from wayland to X11 works totally fine (which is from where I'm writing actually heh)....
<dererk> I'm using your testing branch for the repo, but found no difference for the unstable branch
<cy8aer> yep, please swap to #asahi-alt
<dererk> gotcha!
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<cy8aer> If there would be a difference I should forget something to deploy up 😉
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