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<KDDLB> I know Asahi is all about Fedora now, but I want to install Arch
<KDDLB> do I ask in #asahi-alt?
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<cy8aer> For those who prepare the hardware video decode support: does this have any effects on your work? - looks like there is a firmware patch for 14.x only...
<jannau> I think the current plan is to skip the firmware so probably not
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<nocoffei> Good morning, Asahi Linux project. This project has a well-earned reputation for being the only people in town with interest in fixing the "small stuff", those little quirks of the Linux Desktop that add up and make it a pain to use. I'm a (very) long-time lurker, have dropped in here at rare occasions in the past, but here I think I'd like to stick around for a bit and hopefully quash this particular issue for good with your help.
<nocoffei> So there's this option in both KDE and GNOME to change your keyboard mappings. In Settings -> Keyboard -> Key Bindings, there's an option for "Caps Lock behavior" called "Make Caps Lock and additional Backspace." It does what it says on the tin, which I use everywhere because it's a very ergonomic solution to a key you'll be pressing a lot-- just move your pinky one key over instead of dragging your other pinky to the corner of the keyboard.
<nocoffei> (And holding the shift key WORKS FINE if you need to shout)
<nocoffei> On Wayland-native apps, this works fine. But on XWayland and Electron apps, it does not. The caps lock key does not repeat, meaning if you want to delete five characters, you have to press the backspace key five times.
<nocoffei> This bug is very, very old. A cursory glance gives a mention to it almost 13 years ago, in November 2011 (
<nocoffei> And a bug was open in xkeyboard-config for 12 years until it was closed last year as "this isn't our fault"
<nocoffei> There was a workaround as demonstrated in that bug report: xmodmap -e "clear lock" will fix it for a while until the key locks up again for some reason. However, this does nothing in a native Wayland session.
<nocoffei> Now... To the "fixing bizarre crap on the Linux Desktop" folks-- Where does your gut say this bug lies? This has driven me so far up the wall I'm either willing to devote my weekend to try and fix it myself with some guidance, or put up a substantial bug bounty to have someone investigate it for me.
<nocoffei> (and why would this appear in Electron apps-- even ones that are running Wayland-native? That in particular makes little sense.)
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