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<hexchain> arch has a ports project now
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<jannau> looks like wpa_supplicant 2.11 triggers a NULL ptr dereference in our brcmfmac. worth holding the updating off until we can look into it
<chadmed> did the SAE offload stuff get merged?
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<zirix> Hey. I apologize in advance if this were to be the wrong place to report such issues, issues most likely regarding kde, but after updating my system wifi stopped working. Ethernet continues to work jus fine. dmesg:
<alih> i am also encountering the same
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<jannau> when using fedora / wpa_supplicant 2.11 try `dnf downgrade wpa_supplicant`
<alih> that did resolve it for me, thanks
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<zirix> That leaves people without the possibility of connecting an ethernet cable in a pretty bad situation. But I must confirm that downgrading to 2.10 solved the issue after a reboot.
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