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<alyssa> Ermine: blorp - BLit Or Resolve Pass is a blit and HiZ resolve framework
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<Ermine> alyssa: thank you!
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<zmike> Hazematman: no, go back to the old version
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<zmike> now the comment is useless
<zmike> just leave it as it was and let it merge
<zmike> thanks for fixing the issue
<Hazematman> I'll revert
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<Hazematman> Or leave it, lol
<Hazematman> Will Marge start merging or is there time to fix it?
<zmike> you have a lot of time
<zmike> the bit about the kms usage is the actual important part
<Hazematman> I have an idea to reword so it doesn't go stale
<Hazematman> Okay made a comment that is more relevant and unlikely to go stale
<Hazematman> Thanks for the help zmike & kusma!
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