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<lumag> mlankhorst, it seems drm-misc-next isn't getting pulled into linux-next. narmstrong pointed out that this is because of the pending patches in drm-misc-next-fixes.
<zmike> eric_engestrom: does the zink+nvk job in ci have a new enough kernel for rebar? cc gfxstrand karolherbst
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<eric_engestrom> > This is at d6820f36f375ece63226b26568be3a893985dc60 nouveau: set placement to original placement on uvmm validate.
<eric_engestrom> no clue about rebar though
<zmike> gfxstrand: ^ ?
<eric_engestrom> (just did a git fetch, no new commits to that branch since I last built from it)
<zmike> ok
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<gfxstrand> eric_engestrom: That patch fixes power management and OOM issues. Not sure what you're asking, though.
<zmike> asking if rebar is enabled by that point
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<gfxstrand> rebar has nothing to do with that
<eric_engestrom> it's not about that commit, but about that branch
<gfxstrand> rebar has been on for forever, assuming you've got it enabled in BIOS
<zmike> oh
<zmike> huh
<zmike> maybe I misunderstood then
<gfxstrand> There is a kernel patch that gives us a query for ReBAR but that's been in for a while now
<zmike> maybe that's it
<zmike> either way thx
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<eric_engestrom> btw we get a _lot_ of hangs, is that something that's actively being worked on?
<gfxstrand> What GPU?
<gfxstrand> What do the hangs look like?
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<eric_engestrom> thanks daniels :)
<eric_engestrom> yeah `nouveau 0000:2d:00.0: deqp-vk[28345]: job timeout, channel 336 killed!` is what we usually see
<eric_engestrom> and GA106 is the gpu
<eric_engestrom> (3060 IIRC)
* eric_engestrom has to go away, hopefully that's enough info, sorry for dropping that and leaving :(
<gfxstrand> My runs are pretty clean. Not 100% clean but I don't see a lot of those
<eric_engestrom> most runs don't get any job timeout, but maybe 30% do?
<eric_engestrom> (pulling that number out of thin air)
<gfxstrand> That's believable
<gfxstrand> I think we still have some arbitrary timeout kernel bugs
<eric_engestrom> is there a way to increase the timeout?
<eric_engestrom> something like FREEDRENO_HANGCHECK_MS
<eric_engestrom> (/me really needs to go now)
<gfxstrand> Not that I'm aware of
<gfxstrand> And I don't think it's a real timeout. I think nouveau.ko is missing an interrupt
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<airlied> lumag: not getting pulled due to vc4 warnings
<airlied> eric_engestrom: csn you test eith a kernel patch easily?
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<DemiMarie> congratulations!!!!!
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