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<DemiMarie> karolherbst: Is it possible to use P2PDMA to avoid this?
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<airlied> DemiMarie: who's the 2nd P?
<DemiMarie> airlied: perhaps a VF
<DemiMarie> It would be unfortunate if there was no better way to get data from a VF to a PF than through host memory
<DemiMarie> And considering the primary use-case for iGPU SR-IOV, I would also consider this quite surprising.
<airlied> sounds more like a buffer sharing problem than a p2p problem
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<haasn> karolherbst: the problem with av1 on gpu is that we want to do almost exclusively 8/16 bit integer ops
<haasn> In my current code I just store everything as an int
<haasn> But that’s wasteful, 75% of the ALU is unused
<haasn> I was thinking that using u8vec4 would let the gpu pack four 8 bit ints into a single register
<haasn> Basically upping throughout from 32 pixels / warp / cycle to 128
<haasn> But doing something like a convolution with this design is very hard
<haasn> Can’t just do your usual subgroup sum etc
<haasn> And you need to widen it to 16 bit intermediates
<HdkR> Also most GPUs these days don't allow you to do much SWAR anymore
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<karolherbst> haasn: most GPUs don't have any benefit doing 8/16 bit alu over 32 bit, unless you can use those fancy AI matrix multiplication ops
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<Company> is there a technical reason why amd and nvidia don't implement GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch ?
<Company> I'm trying to figure out the best way to do HDR colorspace conversions without needing an extra buffer
<Company> ie I have an srgb buffer and want to convert it to rec2020, or sth along those lines
<dj-death> compute shader + storage image?
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<Company> then I need to add compute support - which is gonna happen long term I guess
<karolherbst> can also use storage image in fp programs I think
<karolherbst> or not?
<Company> i have no idea - it's probably a driver question too
<Company> and/or a version question, because we use GLES these days
<Company> I'm just trying to find the smartest way to do this, so HDR can work on the worst possible hardware without lags
<Company> with the least amount of work
<pq> GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent any better?
<karolherbst> nvidia hardware doesn't support fbfetch natively anyway, and in nouveau we simply bind the framebuffer as a texture to read from
<Company> pq: same drivers
<Company> more or less
<pq> those that don't support fbfetch, do they also have problems with using a temporary buffer?
<karolherbst> it's kepler+ in nouveau anyway
<karolherbst> I doubt that reading from the framebuffer is efficient on any hardware
<karolherbst> I might be wrong
<karolherbst> maybe tilers do better here
<pq> they have to blend somehow...
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<Company> I have no idea - the naive solution is to use an extra temporary buffer and that's always gonna work
<pq> it's just blending, except one would want to add custom code to mangle the read and written values of the destination - especially the read values
<Company> but it means there's an extra buffer involved
<pq> I guess it's a problem if blending happens by fixed-function.
<Company> I also haven't looked yet at how this works in Vulkan and if/how I can have an image be input and output attachment at the same time
<karolherbst> maybe just use an image as in read-write image?
<dj-death> karolherbst: we can read the render target cache on Intel, but it doesn't support MSAA very well
<dj-death> karolherbst: you have to do non-uniform lowering to fetch each sample
<karolherbst> uhh
<dj-death> so we've been doing the same as nouveau
<dj-death> use the sampler
<karolherbst> yeah, I think that's the sanest solution if you only want to have it supported :D
<dj-death> but that means you have to be careful with compression
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<Company> oh, I didn't think about that yet
<Company> we've been thinking about using msaa or supersampling for higher quality output, and that obviously interacts
<Company> but that's a long way off - first inkscape needs a renderer using gtk instead of cairo
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<haasn> Here is the source for the shaders if anybody is interested, I couldn’t figure out how to optimize them further
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<fireburn> Is the AMD 7900M in any laptops? There was exclusivity with Alienware but it looks like they've stopped selling them now
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<dliviu> mlankhorst: I see that my patch got removed from drm-misc-next-fixes, am I correct that it hasn't been added anywhere else? Can I push it into drm-misc-next?
<mripard> dliviu: it's in drm-misc-fixes
<dliviu> mripard: thanks
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<karolherbst> haasn: maybe instead of looping inside looprestoration.glsl, you could see if having one thread doing one iteration be a feasible rework here and see how much of a difference that would make
<karolherbst> or at least if you have loops, make sure that threads don't diverge (e.g. having the same iteration across all threads)
<haasn> karolherbst: that loop primarily exists because the input size exceeds the output size
<haasn> I map threads onto output pixels in a 1:1 manner
<haasn> could also try the alternative of mapping threads onto input pixels and then dealing with the fact that some invocations will be idle during the last convolution
<karolherbst> yeah, I think that might be fine
<mripard> dliviu: it was meant for drm-misc-next?
<karolherbst> what matters is, that threads don't diverge in control flow. Like if they all execute loops in lock-step that's fine
<dliviu> I was not in a rush
<karolherbst> or rather
<karolherbst> all threads within a subgroup
<karolherbst> if entire subgroups diverge, that's still fine
<dliviu> mripard: it doesn't "fix" anything other than adding more compilation exposure to more function in komeda
<karolherbst> e.g. have a block size of the subgroup size, and make sure that each block executes the same path through the shader
<karolherbst> and then if entire blocks have nothing to do at the end, they can exit early without having to wait for other threads
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<haasn> the internal block size of this algorithm is 8x8 so I set my WG size to that
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<karolherbst> yeah, should be fine, although there is hardware with bigger subgroups sizes and I don't know how much that matters there
<haasn> there will be some partial executions during the initial "assemble input" phase, that's almost unavoidable because the input pixel count is not a clean multiple of 32
<karolherbst> though they might be able to execute two blocks at once?
<haasn> AMD used to use 64 sized subgroups, I don't think there are more than that?
<karolherbst> broadcom has 128
<karolherbst> apparently
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<karolherbst> and I can see people using rpis as their media center thing, so it might even matter, but honestly don't know if the hw has some smartness here to counteract this
<haasn> something I just randomly thought of, for film grain it might be possible to split it into two passes, one to cover all non-edge pixels and a second, separate pass to deal only with edge pixels (that need to be blurred with the previously processed non-edge pixels)
<karolherbst> mhh, yeah, might be worth a shot
<haasn> the film grain shader diverges quite badly
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<karolherbst> on some GPUs (nvidia e.g.) having more specialized programs allocating fewer GPRs also leads to being able to run more threads in parallel
<haasn> right
<haasn> actually, that might be worth doing for loop restoration as well
<haasn> instead of if (cond) { path A } else { path B }; invoke two shaders: if (!cond) return; /* path A */ and: if (cond) return; /* path B */
<haasn> on the premise that inactive workgroups will very quickly return out, freeing up those resources for more groups
<karolherbst> yeah, but sometimes you have to check if some trade-offs are worth doing. It might also make sense to group/sort input and reshuffle data so that blocks stay uniform
<haasn> the condition here is on a scalar value shared by tee entire work group
<haasn> the condition is granular on an 8x8 level
<haasn> (that's why the workgroup size is set to 8x8)
<karolherbst> right, in which case it should be fine
<karolherbst> just overallocating gprs might be a problem then if there is an imbalance between those two paths
<mripard> dliviu: why did it end up in drm-misc-next-fixes then
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<dliviu> mripard: see my exchange with mlankhorst on Thursday. I've mistakenly assumed that putting things into -fixes is the thing to do for patches that do cleanups, I should have put it into misc-next
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<sima> airlied, should we just ack ? v11 with no ack from vmwgfx seems a bit excessive ...
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<javierm> zackr ^
<sima> hu I thought I checked but didn't see zackr, I guess I typoed :-/
<sima> javierm, thx
<javierm> sima: you are welcome
<sima> thellstrom, do you need someone to help review the ttm shrinker stuff?
<sima> not that my take will be enough by far, but maybe it helps ...
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<zackr> sima: i thought i already rb that patch twice. did boris make him take down rb's for one of the versions? iirc, that series is blocking a work i actually wanted alexey to get done so i'm happy to see it go in
<sima> zackr, hm no idea, maybe complain why the r-b is getting dropped each version?
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<childrenatwar> so all together the zero bit is carried amongst the fields, for an example 65+64 is 129 for first bit, 66+65 is second bit , so 64 and 65 are the states that are not toggled, so minuend or addend or adder and subtrahand needs -1 shifted encoder to annotate bit states that are not toggled in, and that way everything is going to work out, if subtrahand is 66-1 for third bit, minuend is 0
<childrenatwar> or vice versa.
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<childrenatwar> for untoggled bits, so toggled bit state is 66 for both
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<childrenatwar> toggled bit state for second bit is in both cases 66 so untoggled is 0 and 65 or 65 and 0
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<sima> airlied, btw just checked, the kms_lease test already checks for double-leasing, so running that should cover all relevant edge cases
<sima> aside from the silly one of having an enormous pile of duplicated ids :-)
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<rodrigovivi> mripard: gentle ping on this one: ack on this patch to go through drm-intel-next where we introduced the 'target_rr_divider' anyway? so we fix the build-doc issue...
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<airlied> haasn: I think intel media-driver has some filmgrain shaders, but not sure if they have source, or it they use special intel media shader features
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<zmike> mareko: since nobody else will, maybe you want to review
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