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<pac85> Well Mesa tries to load zink whenever it fails to probe a gallium driver for your hw right?
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<DavidHeidelberg> it should run headless, llvmpipe for gl
<DavidHeidelberg> weston setup
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<Company> it might just happen while the driver identifies if it should be used
<Company> the vulkan drivers tend to throw errors during init, too
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<MoeIcenowy> when multiple mesa coexists, how can GBM handle it now?
<MoeIcenowy> (I am trying to use some GPU that have an open-source drive mesa fork, but stuck to 22.3 :
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<mripard> airlied: gitlab is supposed to be able to do that, but only in the paying tier
<mripard> but having some kind of filters on push instead of dim would be nice indeed
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<teleportingaway> I just leave now, cause it was the most productive weekend of my life so far, and i got everything figured out, encoders and decoders, encoders with modified polderan for encoding, pseudo register for decoding except 7 first bits with polderan then sub and add in ultra compact format, data access via polderan and execution engine with inverted over one alu based modified polderan....
<teleportingaway> so i gotta say i am ready soon, emersion you look like really having very talented team, goguma irc client is the thing that shows how complex flutter programming actually is, i really am amazed a bit, but i do not work much at such things in fact indeed, i just used yours and it is class act client, congratulations for having couple of real people amongst you, but once again i do
<teleportingaway> things a bit differently and later on i commit my work too, with Simon Ser i am willing to talk about what i have and jerome glisse too, i like those people, but i am going to mine things beforehand, i do not think my technology has military relevance or revolution based stuff, there are different physics in military based systems and ways AFAIK. people are probably wondering what
<teleportingaway> sides i take in a war, and i say, i can not change what i am, even though russians and chinese are ok people, i am with nato forces but i need to go to physical therapy centre to work out some issues before i am physically fit.
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<Ermine> dwfreed: requesting banhammer
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<DemiMarie> mripard: is independently reimplementing the feature an option?
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<DragoonAethis> DemiMarie: the feature is in the GitLab codebase, just locked behind a license flag, so I guess "reimplementing" it would mean just patching out the license checks, which they kindly ask not to do ;p
<DemiMarie> DragoonAethis: “reimplementing” would be ”writing the code without looking at anything that is closed source, then submit an MR to the open source parts”
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<Sachiel> why would they accept it though?
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