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<karolherbst> pendingchaos: mhhh.. looks like the ISA has v_mul_hi_i32_i24_e32 and v_mul_hi_u32_u24_e32, but LLVM selects the former.. but I also don't see a way through the LLVM API to make sure the unsigned version to be picked... but I also don't know if that one would fix the issue anyway
<karolherbst> but it looks like this bug exists for quite some time, but I don't know if it's technically a LLVM bug or a nir to llvm one
<karolherbst> nir to llvm just does a 64 bit mul and shifts the result
<pendingchaos> v_mul_hi_u32_u24_e32 can't be used because 0xff803fe1 is not an unsigned 24-bit integer
<karolherbst> ohhh....
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<karolherbst> sadly llvm only has mul, no umul/imul split
<karolherbst> what would I need to do to emit v_mul_hi_u32 directly?
<karolherbst> mhh I guess one of the llvm.amdgcn. intrinsics if one for that one exists...
<pendingchaos> there would be no difference between umul and imul
<pendingchaos> this is probably a llvm bug, if it's turning a mul(zext(a), zext(b))>>32 into v_mul_hi_i32_i24
<karolherbst> yeah.. that seems what's happening here
<karolherbst> .... rocm has the same bug
<karolherbst> Intel's CL stack behaves like the reporter expects it (different than rocm)
<karolherbst> as a workaround we could make nir_opt_idiv_const to not emit negative numbers...
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<karolherbst> yeah... that works
<karolherbst> llvm emits v_mul_hi_u32 then
<karolherbst> just need to avoid numbers which can be interpreted as negative signed integers
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<karolherbst> though this emits an additional uadd_sat
<karolherbst> could make it configurable
<pendingchaos> here's another idea:
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<pendingchaos> prevents s_mul_hi_u32/s_mul_hi_i32 from being used, though
<karolherbst> v_mul_hi_u32 v2, 0xff803fe1, v2 ; D56A0002 000204FF FF803FE1
<karolherbst> seems fine?
<pendingchaos> s_mul_hi_{u,i}32 is introduced in gfx9 though, and gfx9 and later don't seem to have the v_mul_hi_i32_i24 bug for some reason
<pendingchaos> so this workaround could be limited to gfx6-8
<karolherbst> I think I'm on gfx9
<karolherbst> what's gfx9 again?
<karolherbst> I'm on rdna2 here
<karolherbst> or is that 8?
<pendingchaos> rdna2 is gfx10.3
<karolherbst> heh
<karolherbst> oh right
<karolherbst> but anyway, your suggestion seems to fix it for me as well
<karolherbst> though not really sure what it's doing...
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<pendingchaos> the inline assembly (which does nothing) prevents LLVM from knowing that the sources are within [-8388608,8388607]
<karolherbst> ohh, I see
<karolherbst> I wished there would be a more reliable way of telling llvm to not use the 24 bit mul here..
<karolherbst> or a more explicit way
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<DemiMarie> Finally ditch LLVM for AMD?
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<mareko> karolherbst: do you have LLVM IR producing the incorrect v_mul?
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<mareko> and please a description of the problem that I can send to the LLVM team?
<karolherbst> yeah, looks similar to what I got
<karolherbst> using those inputs yields the wrong result doing mul_hi: 67451429, 684514641, 694514641, 794514641, 894514641, 99451464, 123343442, 23111252, 412341412, 354325253
<karolherbst> wait.. I can even write a CL file whith shows the bug with rocm
<mareko> thanks, that will be the most detailed bug report they've ever seen
<karolherbst> 🙃
<mareko> in the meantime, we can use ac_build_optimization_barrier guarded by LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR checks
<mareko> and the required LLVM version can be set to 9999
<mareko> for those checks
<karolherbst> yep, seems to work as well
<karolherbst> mhhh
<karolherbst> mareko: though your suggestion leads to worse code than the one from pendingchaos
<karolherbst> now it's doing v_mul_hi_u32 + v_mad_u64_u32
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<mareko> karolherbst: you can keep pendingchaos's suggestion, but replace block_range_analysis with ac_build_optimization_barrier
<karolherbst> okay, cool
<mareko> the effect should be identical
<pendingchaos> block_range_analysis is more optimizable
<pendingchaos> ac_build_optimization_barrier can't be CSE'd and claims to have side effects
<karolherbst> ehh wait, I misunderstood what you said
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<mareko> ok
<pendingchaos> my suggestion doesn't need to change emit_imul_high()
<karolherbst> yeah.. I've put the asm in the MR
<karolherbst> it's a signficiant difference
<mareko> you can keep pendingchaos's suggestion as-is
<karolherbst> pendingchaos: any thoughts on using LLVMIsConstant on both sources? not really sure what's the idea behind the else there
<mareko> pendingchaos: you said "gfx9 and later don't seem to have the v_mul_hi_i32_i24 bug for some reason", is that true given that karolherbst is on rdna2?
<pendingchaos> the inline assembly needs to be used for at least one source, and using it for constant ones prevents the constant from being combined into the instruction
<karolherbst> okay
<pendingchaos> apparently the gfx9 and later thing isn't true, since it happens for karolherbst on rdna2
<pendingchaos> not sure what I'm missing in my testing
<mareko> ok
<karolherbst> pendingchaos: did you test with the division or the optimized umul_high pattern?
<karolherbst> and what did you test? Anyway, ROCm doesn't show the bug with the divisions, only with using umul_high directly here
<pendingchaos> I tested a vkrunner thing:
<pendingchaos> the GLSL used division, which was optimized to the umul_high stuff
<karolherbst> I see
<karolherbst> if you give me your vkrunner file I can check on rdna2 here as well
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<karolherbst> mhhh yeah.. that seems to emit v_mul_hi_u32 v0, 0xff803fe1, v0 ; D56A0000 000200FF FF803FE1 here
<karolherbst> LLVM: %12 = mul nuw nsw i64 %11, 4286595041
<karolherbst> maybe llvm takes more into account or something...
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<karolherbst> I haven't tried to figure out where the optimization gets applied inside LLVM, but a quick git grep didn't show anything (but I might have used the wrong things to search for)
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<karolherbst> mhh.. okay.. ac_build_optimization_barrier works as well, I just modified the code incorrectly
<karolherbst> (I accidentally swaped the condition in regards to src0 and src1
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<fireburn> Hey, a commit in the last 24hrs has broken Chromium Vulkan EGL, I'm just bisecting now
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* zmike sweats nervously
<fireburn> heh I was eying up but I'll confirm shortly
<fireburn> Should I start creating the bug now?
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<karolherbst> pendingchaos: sooo, it seems like I can prevent llvm to make that opt by doing "unsigned int tmp1 = A[0];" instead of "unsigned int tmp1 = A[get_global_id(0)];" 🙃
<pendingchaos> it uses s_mul_hi_u32?
<karolherbst> yeah
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<pendingchaos> well, that's just because the source is no longer divergent
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<karolherbst> I guess there is no s_mul_hi_i32_i24_e32 then?
<pendingchaos> no
<pendingchaos> s_mul_hi_u32 is as fast as any other SALU
<karolherbst> ahh...
<karolherbst> anyway, your suggestion prevents the use of s_mul_hi_u32 if it's convergent
<pendingchaos> yeah, I don't know how to prevent that without the divergence analysis idea mentioned in the MR
<karolherbst> though LLVM could choose to still decide differently than nir's analysis would guess, no?
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<mareko> karolherbst: that was quick:
<karolherbst> nice
<karolherbst> let me verify that
<karolherbst> mhh.. will this even apply cleanly here :D
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<karolherbst> seems to apply cleanly on 18.x (ignoring the test)
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<karolherbst> mareko: yep, that fixes the bug, thanks!
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<alyssa> karolherbst: ..does clang not support cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing? :(
<alyssa> oh, I need to patch clc proper. ok
<alyssa> Unimplemented SPIR-V capability: SpvCapabilityImageMipmap (15)
<alyssa> Oh come on.
<karolherbst> 🙃 not sure if I've added that one
<karolherbst> wait..
<karolherbst> yeah well.. soo mesa doens't implement cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing ...
<karolherbst> alyssa: do you need it fir something?
<alyssa> gpu crimes yeah
<karolherbst> mhh
<karolherbst> this ext depends on cl_khr_gl_depth_images
<alyssa> i'll just backdoor it with a vendor intrinsic because I do not want to think about llvm right now
<karolherbst> which... is something I wanted to add at some point as well
<karolherbst> yeah, fair
<karolherbst> depth_images are a bit of a pain to add
<alyssa> trying to get my decompression kernel to pass GL CTS
<karolherbst> but I can prioritize it a bit higher if others want to use it as well
<karolherbst> though I think it's mostly API stuff I need to add here, but the spirv/nir side might also need a bit of work
<alyssa> yeah I'll backdoor for now and we can port to the standard syntax when the rusticl side is there
<karolherbst> okay, cool
<karolherbst> soo.. three features: depth/stencil images, cl_khr_gl_depth_images and cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing
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<alyssa> k
<alyssa> oops
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<jenatali> karolherbst: Feel free to ping me for reviews on the spirv/nir stuff. Not sure if/when I'd get to plumbing it myself but I'd like to make sure it's workable
<karolherbst> jenatali: for depth images and co?
<jenatali> Yeha
<karolherbst> will do
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<fireburn> @zmike device_select: shortcut EnumeratePhysicalDevice* for count-only calls
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<zmike> FireBurn: okay, just make a MR to revert that then
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<fireburn> Will do
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<fireburn> I dumped the info in there too
<fireburn> (into a bug sorry)
<zmike> 🤝
<fireburn> IF there's any debugging that might be useful, let me know
<zmike> nah it's fine
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<oneforall2> hmm no mesa chanel or is this it?
<jenatali> This is it
<oneforall2> thanks not liking rust :)
<oneforall2> rust-1.80.1
<oneforall2> mesa 24.2.0
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<orbea> oneforall2: unless you need opencl might be able to just disable it to work around the errors
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<karolherbst> oneforall2: yeah.. ultimately this seems to be a meson bug, but I've added that workaround for now
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<oneforall2> 1 thing I dislike about meson is it doesn't like to work with flags to well like LDFLAGS to pick the right lib dir 32bit or 64
<oneforall2> like right now :)
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<alyssa> everybody needs opencl
* alyssa laughs villainously
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* urja shudders
<ccr> the knights who say "opencl"
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<Company> I don't understand this whole dri2_query_image()/resource_get_handle() thing but I think llvmpipe doesn't dup() the fds it returns from eglExportDMABUFImageMESA() - or it dups them and returns the wrong one?
<karolherbst> jenatali: looks like we are already good in regards to depth images
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<jenatali> Oh cool
<Company> LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 GSK_RENDERER=vulkan gtk4-demo --run=gears
<Company> if anyone wanna help me figure this out
<Company> oh, that might need gtk from main
<Company> or F41/rawhide
<Company> yup, it does
<airlied> it doesn't appear to, but I've also no idea if it is meant to
<Company> it is meant to
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<airlied> but as you mentioned previously it already has a long lived dup
<airlied> maybe we should drop the other one
<Company> what happened 12 hours ago is that our sysadmins finally exposed /dev/udmabuf into our CI
<Company> and suddenly both Vulkan and GL llvmpipe feel the full force of our dmabuf import/exports
<Company> because they finally hit those codepaths
<Company> and it seems that is not a very common thing that people do - export and import dmabufs from software renderers ;)
<karolherbst> jenatali: I think msaa will need some work because that actually has its own GLSL_SAMPER_DIM type, but depth images are just like plain ones
<jenatali> 👍
<karolherbst> clEnqueueFillImage needs fixing, because the pixel size is one, not four, but... that's just API stuff
<Company> airlied: that works for avoiding the double close but runs into VK_ERROR_INVALID_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_PLANE_LAYOUT_EXT when importing
<Company> (with AMD, lvp Vulkan doesn't complain but also doesn't show the texture)
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<airlied> Company: no idea on that, would probably require debugging :-)
<Company> yeah, I suppose I get to file a bunch of issues
<Company> once I've figured out how to unblock GTK's CI
<airlied> rm /dev/udmabuf :-P
<airlied> or maybe chmod
<Company> I worked hard to get it turned on
<DemiMarie> Company: do you use containers or ephemeral VMs for CI?
<airlied> where are you importing into?
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<Company> DemiMarie: I use whatever the gnome sysadmins give me - and that's some docker image
<Company> airlied: the current test I'm debugging is GL content in Vulkan, ie llvmpipe is exporting, lvp is importing - and when I'm running it locally I also run the test against my AMD (usually because I forget the env vars)
<Company> airlied: and the reproducer above does the same thing
<airlied> Company: not sure how importing into amd should work there
<Company> I have no idea if it should - it might be perfectly fine that it's complaining
<Company> no idea what the state of udmabuf is
<Company> or if llvmpipe creates dmabufs that AMD likes with its stride requirements
<Company> the worse problem is that lvp imports it but then doesn't show anything
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<airlied> Company: yeah definitely should file that one and see where it's going wrong
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<Company> airlied: with udmabuf, does one have to keep the memfd around as long as the dmabuf_fd exists or can I close() it? It's not documented anywhere
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