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<mareko> robclark: why doesn't -Wno-inconsistent-missing-override make this error go away?
<mareko> only android seems to ignore the option
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<robclark> mareko: hmm, I'm not seeing where HwlComputeStereoInfo is even overridden in that MR
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* DavidHeidelberg thinking loud.. zluda is Rust based, what a beautiful fit for Mesa3D project since we getting all the rusty things... and don't tell me how we much we're f*ed with compute
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<karolherbst> DavidHeidelberg: not sure if it's a good fit for mesa specifically, because how it's targeting nothing we care about
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<karolherbst> though maybe one could figure out how to integrate it all
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<Lynne> is there any hardware out there which has slower accesses to CONCURRENT resources?
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<apteryx> hello! which gpus have the best drivers in 2024; is it those from amd?
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<apteryx> (free software drivers)
<Company> they're all good - they share a lot of code after all
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<apteryx> oh! so say, an nvidia RTX 4070 would work fine? (these seems powerful and relatively low power/efficient)
<karolherbst> I think for now it's better to buy AMD instead of nvidia due to better vendor support for the foss drivers
<apteryx> OK, thanks.
<karenw> Anything AMD and newer than ~10 years old
<apteryx> And is it true that all graphic cards, even integrated ones from intel, now requires loading firmware blobs to function to their full extent (e.g., 3d acceleration)
<apteryx> my really old gpu (8800 gts) could run on nouveau with 3d without proprietary firmware, which was cool
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<karenw> Interesting, why do I have a on my machine. It's not listed as being provided by any packages in apt. And obviously fails to load as I'm running on bare metal. How did it get there?
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<Company> karenw: checked the timestamp?
* Company has totally never done an accidental ninja install ever at all
<karenw> I think I solved it. dpkg -S says it's from mesa-vulkan-drivers, while apt-file does not. I'm guessing apt-file can't 'see' the packages in kisak-mesa-fresh for some reason and is only reporting the stock ubuntu packages
<karenw> Same timestamp as all the other libvulkan_* packages. (And different from itself)
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<kisak> where does apt-file source its package manifests? The kisak-mesa PPA build does add in dozen while the upstream package doesn't have it yet.
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<karenw> From apt itself. It even reports "Hit:2 noble InRelease"
<karenw> Also, as you're here kisak, is there anyway to get the debug symbols you build other than manually downloading them off launchpad?
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<kisak> I'd need to look at the test box tomorrow but I'd expect you'd adjust the kisak-mesa file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d to enable it.
<kisak> I need to run, but something like
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<karenw> Adding main/debug to the components field in the sources.list is what I needed, thanks.
<karenw> Couldn't find that anywhere when I googled.
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