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<airlied> Company: in that gears demo that's failing, it's just vulkan on both sides with the dma-buf?
<Company> airlied: no, it's GL exporting via eglExportDMABUFImageMESA() and then Vulkan importing
<Company> airlied: see the other issue I linked
<Company> fwiw, I've spent the whole day reading mesa code trying to understand what's going on, and I've convinced myself that your patch is correct
<Company> and I think I've found a memleak in GTK
<Company> but I haven't figured out why lavapipe doesn't import the udmabuf from llvmpipe yet
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<DavidHeidelberg> Someone knowledgeable about Neon + LLVM here? Since we can omit softpipe from the build now, I've noticed that on older Tegra 2 without Neon, the bug is still valid. If we could keep ensure that llvmpipe will work properly on these non-Neon devices, dropping softpipe from the default 32-bit arm would be no-brainer.
<airlied> Company: found another minor bug, but doesn't seem to fix it
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<airlied> Company: found the bug in llvmpipe
<Company> - whandle->handle = lpr->dmabuf_alloc->dmabuf_fd;
<Company> ?
<Company> I realized about 30s ago that allocate_memory_fd() has an out fd
<airlied> Company: nah missing storing of the row stirde
<Company> so I found a different thing maybe
<airlied> should fix the gears rendering at least
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<Company> airlied: commented
<airlied> Company: fixed thanks
<Company> with that it looks like we will have the udmabuf introduction into GTK CI under control once gets fixed
<Company> because I think that issue affects dmabuf'ed llvmpipe too
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<DavidHeidelberg> company: how hard is to run only NGL tests? IMHO GTK is one of most used workloads and there are, for example, problems with Adreno 3xx series. Having it in our CI could be worth it
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<DavidHeidelberg> also and how long these tests takes?
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<DavidHeidelberg> Company: how hard is to run only NGL tests? IMHO GTK is one of most used workloads and there are, for example, problems with Adreno 3xx series. Having it in our CI could be worth it + how long these tests take approx.?
<Company> DavidHeidelberg: first question: What is "NGL tests"?
<Company> because our tests are usually more about functionality and then we (sometimes) plug different renderers into those
<Company> and theen there's the part that tests the renderers, but that part usully isn't what's finding the Mesa bugs
<DavidHeidelberg> ok
<Company> DavidHeidelberg: the one test that exposed 90% of Mesa bugs so far is
<Company> I think that is self-contained (apart from requiring GTK)
<Company> that one just iterates over all our formats and creates a texture for all of our GdkTexture types and then tries to read them back
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<Company> and some of those paths go through our renderers
<Company> but those paths essentially just do glTexImage2D() + glReadPixels() I think
<Company> we have a few similar tests that iterate over all formats and do glTexImage2D() + glBlitFrameBuffer() + glReadPixels() (which are mostly about making sure we don't do that when glBlitFramebuffer() doesn't work forma given format)
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<jenatali> karolherbst: Are you sure it's expected to have writable images with LOD specified in the shader? For read-only that totally makes sense but I would be surprised if CL exposed that capability when VK only recently did and GL/D3D haven't yet
<karolherbst> jenatali: cl_khr_mipmap_image_writes
<jenatali> Ah, it's a dedicated extension?
<karolherbst> yeah
<jenatali> Ok, cool
<karolherbst> the ext is even kinda old
<karolherbst> at least 4 years
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<karolherbst> anyway..
<karolherbst> I've implemented cl_khr_mipmap_image for rusticl here:
<karolherbst> it has weird interactions with gl_sharing I'm not 100% sure about... but whatever
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<Company> MrCooper: re - in current GTK git, everything's exploding rather randomly with RGB(A)16 and RGB(A)16/32f
<Company> MrCooper: since we enabled udmabufs - and with me plugging a bunch of texture leaks, it seems to have gotten worse???
<daniels> ooi are you synchronising properly?
<daniels> if you're going from ReadPixels to directly working on dmabufs, you're going to need to synchronise against the rendering
<MrCooper> I was wondering the same
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<Company> daniels, MrCooper: that test doesn't even involve dmabufs
<MrCooper> how about PBOs?
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<Company> it's creating an RGB16 texture, glTexImage2D()ing into it
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<Company> then it creates a RGBA16 texture (because RGB16 can't be read from), drawing into it with a simple shader, and then tries a glReadPixel() from it
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<Company> but that fails
<Company> actually, it uses a different (shared) GL context for that: so another glBindFramebuffer() + glReadPixels() and that one fails
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<Company> which is indeed another recent change we did
<MrCooper> and glReadPixels doesn't use a PBO pack buffer?
<MrCooper> hmm, or if there are multiple GL contexts, maybe it's a synchronization issue between them
<Company> that would explain why things get worse when I plug all the leaks
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<MrCooper> is it one thread using both contexts, or different threads?
<Company> same thread
<Company> but Mesa has threads ofc
<MrCooper> with a single application thread, *gl*MakeCurrent should handle synchronization I'd say
<MrCooper> does mesa_glthread=false make a difference for you?
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<Company> doesn't look like it
<Company> I should figure out why it even fails
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<Company> MrCooper: the new mess is a GTK bug
<Company> we don't clean up properly, so the mesa thread gets a deleted texture
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