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<bbhtt> Getting an error while trying to compile 24.2.0 "virtgpu_drm.h: No such file or directory"
<bbhtt> Any idea ?
<bbhtt> the header exists in `/usr/include/drm/` I guess the include path is wrong?
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<bbhtt> i guess it should be `drm-uapi/virtgpu_drm.h`
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<dolphin> airlied, sima: Not sure of tursulin already pinged you, but no drm-intel-fixes picked up this week so no PR
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<sima> dolphin, ack
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<kisak> morning karolherbst, I'm thinking I should drop rusticl from the Jammy build to get rid of the bypass-to-build-with-llvm-15 shinanigans.
<karolherbst> kisak: is that still such a mess?
<kisak> I won't get a clear picture of how messy it is until I'm ready to try to move the Noble build to llvm 18
<kisak> (instead of the nature of the universe 2 years ago)
<karolherbst> what's the big blocker with any of this anyway? I thought it's mostly how it's nearly impossible to build the spirv binaries of libclc?
<kisak> the big blocker is that bindgen is tangled into distro packaging all of rust or something. It's too much hassle to (significantly) version bump it on Jammy.
<kisak> and that needed to also be rebuilt on llvm change.
<kisak> There was some package restructuring between Jammy and Noble, so hopefully that's less ugly going forward, but I haven't looked into it in detail.
<karolherbst> I see
<karolherbst> yeah, and I guess that's fair enough
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<Lynne> are implementations free to support extensions but claim that no physical device features are supported when querying using vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2?
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<pixelcluster> I can't 100% certify there aren't any cases where this was missed, but in general you should be able to rely on it :P
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<Lynne> oh, neat
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<tzimmermann> jfalempe, i had to send out another update to the ast bmc series. hope you can take another look
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<dviola> hi, can I close this: ? seems like the problem is gone (I can't reproduce it anymore)
<kisak> if it's your issue report, you don't need permission from anybody to close your own issue report.
<dviola> oh, okay
<dviola> thanks
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<airlied> Lynne: though when things get rolled into core I think that changes
<airlied> so yes you should always look at features
<Lynne> yeah, I ended up keeping all the management code, its not too bad since there's no requirement that all the structs given to vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 need to be supported by extensions, unlike with device creation
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<glehmann> Lynne: wdym, you clearly aren't allowed to use vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 with structs from unsupported extensions
<Lynne> well, there's another bug in the validation layer
<Lynne> could you point to the part of the spec where it says that?
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<glehmann> Each structure included in the pNext chain must be defined at runtime by either:
<glehmann> - a core version which is supported
<glehmann> - a supported device extension in the case of physical-device-level functionality added by the device extension <- this is the important part
<glehmann> - an extension which is enabled
<glehmann> it's a bit weird because the spec mandates double safety, applications are not allowed to provide structs unknown to the driver, but drivers are also required to skip structs unknown to them
<glehmann> many people are only aware of the second part, not the first
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<Company> I used to have code where I did if (extension_supported) { do_stuff_for_that_extension(); } during setup
<Company> these days I first check all supported extension I care about, put them in some flags, and then do stuff with the ones I know exist
<Company> makes stuff a lot easier when there's stuff I need to do for either ext1 or ext2
<Company> (and I have an env var to manually disable flags for testing, so I can simulate less capable drivers easily)
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<piggz> hi ... im trying to package mesa 24.2 (upgrade from 24.1.4) ... but something is horribly wrong with the build, seems like no DRM/dri drivers are being build (lima/panfrost) even though ive asked for them to be built, and none of the kmsro drivers are built. Whats changed in the build system and any idea what im missing? so far nothing jumping out in the meson output
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<piggz> meson suggests it should be working?
<piggz> Gallium
<piggz> Enabled : YES
<piggz> Drivers : softpipe llvmpipe virgl vc4 lima panfrost
<piggz> Platforms : wayland surfaceless drm
<zmike> sounds like it is
<piggz> zmike: there is no generated
<zmike> what is the full summary of your meson configure step?
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<zmike> looks fine to me
<zmike> what is the issue you are having?
<piggz> zmike: im expecting and drivers to be built
<piggz> unless there is some architectural change?
<zmike> you disabled all x11 support, so those files are not built
<zmike> you only need them if you are running xorg, and based on your build it looks like you aren't
<piggz> im not sure thats right .. ive always done it like that before, and this system runs wayland
<zmike> the installed files have changed
<piggz> what is used for wayland these days?
<zmike> gallium
<piggz> so, the lima support is built into
<piggz> ?
<zmike> probably a different libgallium
<zmike> but yes, that is the idea
<piggz> ok, i was starting to wonder that...
<piggz> ill alter the package, and see if sailfish on the pine phones still starts up!
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<piggz> zmike: thx, it appears to work, thanks for putting me on the right path!
<zmike> glad to hear it
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<piggz> that gallium driver is quite the size, 28mb
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