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<MrCooper> mareko robclark: FWIW, the job output showed that neither -Wno-inconsistent-missing-override nor -Wno-error=inconsistent-missing-override was passed on the compiler command line
<MrCooper> (the latter would be preferred in CI)
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<soreau> a question about shader cache: if a program compiles the same shader multiple times, will it get a cached version or blindly compile a new program each time?
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<mattst88> it'll get a cached version. that's what the cache does :)
<soreau> ok, thanks
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<karolherbst> also the visual differ seems not functional
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<daniels> karolherbst: it's a misrender
<daniels> see the overlay text on the bottom left
<daniels> 'press t to chat' has lost a letter
<karolherbst> ohh...
<karolherbst> but I don't see the difference thing..
<karolherbst> not sure what's up, but the JS code doesn't work
<daniels> yeah, fixing that
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<karolherbst> yeah, that fixes it, thanks :)
<daniels> np
<daniels> anyway, if unvanquished is unreliable on a618 - i.e. it's definitely not your printf causing it - then we should just skip it
<karolherbst> yeah.. I've seen that error a long time ago as well, I just forgot about it
<karolherbst> but it was also the text being wrong
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<robclark> daniels: I did look at the ci stats graphana but couldn't other instances of a618-traces (or a630-traces) flaking.. but that was defn some sort of flake.
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<karolherbst> robclark: I'm sure that I've seen that exact flake a long time ago
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<karolherbst> if I'd had to guess, it happened to me like 1-2 years ago :D
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<sergi> Robclark: following the panel you linked, you may know (bitaybe useful for others here), in flakes tab, there is a ''Flake unit tests - counter'' panel to filter by the tests one would be looking for. I think with the ''interval'' more info about frequency of the flake could be found.
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<robclark> yeah.. saw that.. although it does not show which hardware/runners the test is flakey on
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<sergi> Agh! We need to link this info as well
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