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<zmike> eric_engestrom: maybe you able to repro the crash in on one of your setups? I'm down to ci printf debugging with no leads
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<zmike> dj-death: maybe you have kbl around? it happens there too ^
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<dj-death> zmike: not right now
<dj-death> zmike: spec@egl_mesa_query_driver@conformance,Crash ?
<zmike> yes
<zmike> or maybe just test on any of your machines with that branch
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<dj-death> let me see
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<dj-death> zmike: passes fine on sim
<dj-death> zmike: 2 valgrind warnings
<zmike> hmm don't think those are related but should probably be fixed
<dj-death> annoying to repro the CI's environment...
<zmike> ohhh I found a machine where it repros I think!
<zmike> wtf
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<zmike> aha!
<zmike> fucking hell
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<dj-death> zmike: what is it?
<zmike> driconf parsing bullshit
<zmike> memory management is hard.
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<zmike> pop quiz: you dlopen a lib, dlsym a symbol, call the symbol which returns statically allocated string values, dlclose the lib, and then access the strings
<zmike> what happens
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<alyssa> you cry
<zmike> I hate pipe-loader so much
<zmike> how long is this gonna take me to delete...
<zmike> mareko: I added a couple commits to the base of the latest refactor MR, please re-confirm your rb
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<MrCooper> zmike: strdup'ing the strings isn't feasible?
<karolherbst> zmike: we need to nuke clover to delete the dynamic pipe-loader 🙃
<karolherbst> (or maybe just make it use the static one)
<karolherbst> and I think once the dynamic one is gone, we can probably simplify things a lot
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<zmike> MrCooper: no, it has to all be the same allocation
<zmike> karolherbst: yes
<zmike> now hurry up
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<zmike> eyy it's all green
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<karolherbst> yeah.... but that would regress r600 🙃
<karolherbst> anyway.. should probably land this one first:
<karolherbst> as with that one, moving clover to the static pipeline should already be simple enough
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<sravn> Seems like a good plan
<karolherbst> *pipe_loader
<karolherbst> and landing that one depends on
<karolherbst> (which can be speed up by giving me hardware.. probably)
<sravn> I wish you the best luck, things are newer easy.
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<Ermine> Sorry for dumb question, is clover a some implementation of opencl?
<jenatali> Yes
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<Lynne> gfxstrand: still no plans for descriptor_buffer on nvk?
<airlied> from nouveau earlier : 04:47 < gfxstrand[d]> Okay, it's EXT_descriptor_buffer time!
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