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<DemiMarie> Is the overhead of robust access likely to be significant for a compositor?
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<emersion> DemiMarie: robust access is unlikely to be enough, hw is not allowed to crash but is allowed to return arbitrary contents
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<bg6vml> hi there. I'm cross-compiling the mesa 24.2 onto aarch64 platform. I created the cross file for meson tools and configured the compilers such as cc, rustc and so on. But when I build the project, I'm confronted with the error 'attempt to compute `4_usize - 8_usize`, which would overflow' in file src/gallium/frontends/rusticl/ Could anyone help with it?
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<DemiMarie> emersion: Yikes. I thought the Vulkan spec limited the values that could be returned.
<DemiMarie> Does this mean that every compositor with dmabuf support has a security vulnerability?
<DemiMarie> Where should a validation library be?
<emersion> I'd say just audit and fix the drivers
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<emersion> there are many things a driver can get wrong, it's just one more thing
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<dj-death> the various robustness extensions feature specify the returned values in case of OOB accesses
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<DemiMarie> emersion: does that mean that validating buffer sizes is not feasible?
<DemiMarie> Is there a Vulkan API for checking if a buffer is large enough?
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<DemiMarie> emersion: What needs to be fixed?
<emersion> I don't know, maybe all drivers check the sizes correctly
<DemiMarie> Which API calls are you referring to?
<DemiMarie> Is there a specific API call where the sizes get checked?
<emersion> DMA-BUF import IOCTL, and the driver-specific APIs to create BOs maybe
<emersion> maybe FB create as well? don't remember if the size is passed there
<emersion> hm actually maybe DMA-BUF import has no size and FB create has one, don't remember
<dj-death> anv lseek in the buffer to figure out the size
<dj-death> and bails if it is too short
<DemiMarie> How does it figure out the required size?
<DemiMarie> The hard part is turning a (width, height, stride) tuple into a size.
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<bl4ckb0ne> height * stride?
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<dj-death> DemiMarie: any VkBuffer/VkImage created has a size associated to it
<dj-death> DemiMarie: that's why you can call vkGet(Buffer|Image)MemoryRequirements()
<DemiMarie> dj-death: How do I know what to pass for the many seemingly-irrelevant parameters, such as concurrent access mode?
<DemiMarie> dj-death: I don't think any of the current compositors do this.
<DemiMarie> I'm not writing a compositor, but rather a proxy that sits in front of it.
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<dj-death> DemiMarie: if you don't know what the compositor will do, then you can't know I guess
<DemiMarie> dj-death: will it ever matter on Linux?
<DemiMarie> I thought the required buffer size was entirely determined by width, height, stride, offset, format, and modifiers.
<DemiMarie> The client certainly doesn't know that information when it allocates buffers.
<Sachiel> the client asks the driver the requirements and passes that to the allocation function
<Sachiel> anv will check the imported bo is at least as large as the image is supposed to be and if not, it fails the import
<DemiMarie> This seems like a Vulkan spec bug to me: to properly allocate buffers, a Wayland client must know various implementation details of the server, but it does not (and should not) know those details.
<Sachiel> the client asks the driver "to allocate memory for this buffer/image with this characteristics, what do I need?", the driver gives back the details, client calls the vkAllocateMemory() with those details
<Sachiel> I don't see the issue
<Company> DemiMarie: the client and the server do not communicate Vulkan images
<DemiMarie> Company: doesn't the client needs to be able to allocate a dmabuf that the server will be able to make a Vulkan image from?
<Company> they communicate dmabufs and you must create a VulkanImage suited for export on the client (and then export it) and a VulkanImage suited for importing that dmabuf
<Company> yes
<Company> which can and does fail all the time even if both are cooperating...
<DemiMarie> Does that mean that whether the creation succeeds must not depend on factors like VkSharingMode?
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<Company> it might eb that certain flags must be set to certain values or images cannot be exported
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<DemiMarie> My understanding was that Mesa uses create_immed because it can't handle an error. However, that means that if image creation fails the client gets disconnected. Changing VkSharingMode must not break a non-buggy client, so this means that the client must be able to pick a buffer size that works for any VkSharingMode.
<Company> the buffers that Mesa shares with the compositor are created by Mesa
<Company> not by the client
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<DemiMarie> Mesa still doesn't know what the compositor will pass for things like VkSharingMode
<Company> no
<Company> but VkSharingMode is about queues, not about inter-process sharing
<Company> and even then, there's fun like and where you get to query what values you're even allowed to use
<DemiMarie> Does that mean that VkSharingMode (and all of the other parameters that the client does not know or provide) are not allowed to influence the minimum buffer size required?
<DemiMarie> Assuming that they fall within valid usage.
<Sachiel> pretty sure all of that is already specified in the spec, go read it
<Sachiel> there's an entire section on resources that includes all about how memory allocation works
<Company> Vulkan is just an API that sits on top of the basic buffer sharing API anyway
<Company> and you can share buffers without using Vulkan or GL just fine
<Company> the thing that Vulkan and GL do is various syscalls programming GPUs in fun ways
<Company> which again can be done entirely without Vulkan or GL, they're just syscalls
<DemiMarie> What I need to know is how big a buffer needs to be for a given width, height, and other parameters.
<DemiMarie> I don't want to go through Vulkan or OpenGL for that if I can avoid it.
<Company> I don't know if gbm has that info - usually this whole PI works by just allocating a buffer on the device you intend to use and then that buffer works on that device
<Company> and if you get a buffer from a different device and try to use it, it may fail to import
<Company> and if it does, developers from both sides will tell you you should have known in advance that this obviously wouldn't have worked
<Company> but as long as you run the compositor on GPU 1 and the client allocated buffers on GPU 1, everything is fine
<Company> you tell the GPU you want a buffer for WIDTH x HEIGHT in FORMAT and it tells you to use SIZE for it
<Company> or does it?
<DemiMarie> How do you tell the GPU that?
<Company> it might just allocate the buffer for you
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<Sachiel> DemiMarie: the client will use what the spec says to use. You as a consumer don't allocate memory for the client to use, it's the other way around
<Company> gbm_bo_create_*() I thin
<Sachiel> if you don't want to use vulkan or gl, go read on gbm I guess
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<DemiMarie> I'll see about getting GBM to provide the needed size without allocating.
<Company> I don't even know if "size" is an existing concept for such buffers, because memory management can be way fancier
<DemiMarie> “size” as in “the value passed to Wayland”
<Company> theres a size passed to Wayland?
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<mlankhorst> There's a size you can get from fseek on the dma-buf. :)
<Company> mlankhorst: that only works for linear ones, or?
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<dj-death> xantoz: all
<dj-death> Company: all
<dj-death> Company: kernel doesn't always knows what's in the buffer
<Company> is that number useful for anything?
<Company> on non-linear buffers I mean
<pinchartl> does the buffer size depend on tiling ?
<pinchartl> (probably a newbie question)
<emersion> it does
<pinchartl> for compressed formats I understand that the compressed and uncompressed sizes differ
<pinchartl> but how does tiling affect the size in bytes ?
<Company> I think Intel has different stride requirements for tiled vs untiled buffers
<pinchartl> sure, but the size of the buffer in memory is still the same whether you look at it after or before tiling
<pinchartl> if you have different formats (tiled vs. untiled) you may have different sizes for a given resolution
<emersion> the size includes any paddinbg
<dj-death> Company: just for mapping virtual memory
<emersion> i don't know if there are uncompressed formats with a different effective memory usage
<dj-death> Company: too small, no good
<pinchartl> this reminds me I need to submit a talk proposal for XDC about buffer allocation
<Company> I just know I VkMapMemory()ed image memory on intel a few times that I wasn't suppsoed to map and then was entirely confused about the bytes inside it
<Company> but I didn't check the size of what I mapped, I was only interested in the bytes
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<HdkR> Get those talks submitted people, only two days left even with the week delay on the deadline!
* pinchartl clicks "Submit new abstract"
<pinchartl> I hope there will be people interested in buffer allocation
<emersion> there always are
<emersion> (i am but will not attend)
<pinchartl> there are three steps, in order of increasing difficulty
<pinchartl> 1. agree that we need something better than what we have
<pinchartl> 2. design the outline of the solution we want
<pinchartl> 3. find someone to work on it
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<Company> 4. make the whole ecosystem actually use it
<emersion> maybe a workshop would be better suited?
<pinchartl> I've briefly discussed this with sima, she recommended submitting a talk proposal that can then be extended with a workshop
<pinchartl> I'll pick a half-slot format, that will be enough to explain the problem and see if people are interested in continuing in a workshop
<emersion> cool
<emersion> i've discussed with sima last XDC and we had a start of an incremental plan with DMA-heaps
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<pinchartl> it would be nice to get James Jones to join too
<pinchartl> perhaps remotely, I don't know if he plans to attend XDC
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<pinchartl> talk proposal submitted
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<pinchartl> ( if anyone wants a preview)
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<DemiMarie> Yes
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