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<luc> hi, is there any particular reason why "for gallium we only support combined Z+stencil, not separate buffers" in mesa::do_validate_framebuffer?
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<MrCooper> luc: it was a design decision, which simplifies some things; when Gallium was created some 15 years ago, there was already a trend for hardware to support only combined depth/stencil
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<luc> MrCooper: does that mean most of modern hardwares do not support separate z/s buffers?
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<MrCooper> I suspect so, not sure though
<MrCooper> I have vague recollection Direct3D >= 10 might not support separate depth/stencil buffers at all, again not sure though
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<luc> MrCooper: thanks a lot for your explanation
<dj-death> maybe someone remember what NIR pass optimizes things like : if (true) { some_code... }
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<glehmann> nir_opt_dead_cf
<dj-death> glehmann: thanks :)
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<meltq> could someone point me to documentation about the possible return values for regulator_enable()? is it always 0 if no error, negative on error?
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<jani> anyone up for reviewing a fairly mechanical guid_t change?
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<Schrostfutz> Hi, I'm running into a segfault in The stacktrace is less than helpful so I want to build a debug version of the mesa present on my system. Where can I find documentation on how to do this?
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<DavidHeidelberg> eric_engestrom: btw. for the 24.2.1, would you be ok dropping sha512 into docs too? I always find it in the announcement, but in docs is only sha256
<eric_engestrom> DavidHeidelberg: please send an MR to change :)
<gfxstrand> jenatali: Care to RB the vtn patches in 30875?
<gfxstrand> You seem lke the most relevant person
<jenatali> gfxstrand: yeah I'll take a closer look in a bit
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<jenatali> The MSVC upgrade is good to go btw
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<gfxstrand> \o/
<DavidHeidelberg> eric_engestrom: sure, on it! :P
<gfxstrand> cwabbott: The only driver missing an ack in 30876 is turnip
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<DavidHeidelberg> eric_engestrom: do I get it right, that the checksum is manually pasted there?
<eric_engestrom> yes, although in practice I have a script that greps it out of the generated announcement email and seds it into the release note and then commits that, because if I had to actually do it by hand I'd mess it up half the time 😅
<DavidHeidelberg> eric_engestrom: so "s/SHA256 checksum/SHA checksums/" would do it for you? (as the checksum has different lenghts)
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<eric_engestrom> dcbaker was working on a better release script but I think he never finished it, and I've been too busy/lazy to take over as I already have this locally anyway, but it's not great if we were to onboard a new release manager as I'd need to give them my dozen or so tiny scripts automating the various parts
<eric_engestrom> DavidHeidelberg: yeah that's fine
<dcbaker> eric_engestrom: I should really get that rebased and sent out again…
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<mareko> luc: AMD doesn't support separate z/s; even though they are separate in memory, there are certain attributes between them that must be identical
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<DavidHeidelberg> eric_engestrom: seriously, for this whole pipeline? you know how much dinosaurs you burning for this sh*t :D
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* DavidHeidelberg proposes GitLab feature, which reports how much of a dinosaur is burned per MR
<eric_engestrom> fine, I'll put that commit in the next CI MR I merge
* eric_engestrom is trying to get things merged before being away for a while
* DavidHeidelberg is also a bit selfish, because running half of Adreno farm to test ir3 changes
<zmike> who cares it's still only 0.00000001% of a cryptobro
* DavidHeidelberg got idea for perfect cryptocurrency. Don't steal it. It's Dinosaur coin. :D
<eric_engestrom> yeah I don't think the power consumption is any relevant here, but the CI time taken away from someone else would be
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<zmike> we should have a label for marge weekend queue
<zmike> and then a cron job assigns everything with that label to marge saturday afternoon
<DavidHeidelberg> zmike: damn. So you want make my weekends waiting longer? :D
<eric_engestrom> zmike: yeah that's not a bad idea
<DavidHeidelberg> No, no, it isn't. Weekends is only time, when I can happily merge what the f I want without waiting :D don't ruin it for me.... no seriously, having tag "Merge-when-Marge-is-free" would be cool
<eric_engestrom> mind creating an issue with that so we don't forget? 🫣
<DavidHeidelberg> ^^^ :)
<eric_engestrom> thx!
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<Company> zmike, MrCooper: so sounds to me like an issue with sizing when GTK creates the egl_window/egl_surface waaaay before actually creating doing any wl_surface setup?
<MrCooper> the "first frame doesn't show up" part, yeah possibly
<MrCooper> GTK needs to set the window size before calling eglMakeCurrent with non-NULL surface
<Company> we set the "window size"
<Company> in the sense that there isn't one yet
<Company> we create the egl_window shortly after calling wl_compositor_create_surface()
<MrCooper> specifically wl_egl_window::width/height is what matters
<Company> can GTK manually resize the window?
<MrCooper> how is the initial window size determined?
<Company> we just hardcode 1x1 I guess
<Company> because we don't have any size at that point
<MrCooper> I mean the size of the first frame
<MrCooper> it was working fine somehow before the 2 gtk commits I bisected
<Company> previously we bound to EGL_NO_SURFACE first
<Company> which meant we didn't need to create the egl_window
<Company> and then later did a 2nd make_current()
<MrCooper> still needed to MakeCurrent the actual surface at some point though, and the egl_window size had to be correct at that point
<Company> yes, but that happened after we negotiated a proper size with the compositor
<MrCooper> then that seems required
<Company> and now the code seems to crea the egl_window with 1x1 size and then resizes it to the proper size later
<Company> this is not an issue on other platforms like X11 because X11 windows always have a size
<Company> XCreateWindow() needs one while wl_compositor_create_surface() doesn't
<Company> so that's a thing to make code fall over I guess
<Company> I think that's a bug in Mesa (or EGL) still, that it's unclear what the initial size of an egl_window() should be or if it's illegal to create one until the first configure
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<Company> but I can deal with this in GTK I think
<Company> now that I know what the issue is
<MrCooper> I don't think it's illegal per se (there's no error), EGL just needs to know the intended window size to choose the back buffer size
<MrCooper> the EGL Wayland platform does, specifically
<Company> yeah, but we give it the right one via wl_egl_window_resize() later
<MrCooper> too late
<MrCooper> the back buffer is locked in MakeCurrent
<MrCooper> meaning it can't change until SwapBuffers
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<Company> do I need to re-MakeCurrent() after every resize?
<MrCooper> no, per my comment on the issue
<Company> or do I even need to SwapBuffers()
<Company> so this is only for the first frame?
<MrCooper> you need to wl_egl_window_resize before querying the buffer age or doing the first drawing operation
<Company> we do that
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<MrCooper> k, then I guess the question is: does Mesa really need to lock the back buffer in MakeCurrent? Not sure offhand
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<Company> create 1x1, makeCurrent, resize 828x629, query buffer age (which returns 0 as it should), render full frame, SwapBuffers()
<MrCooper> daniels: ^ thoughts? for more context
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<MrCooper> Company: though I'm afraid you'll have to deal with it for existing Mesa releases anyway
<Company> yeah
<daniels> yeah, I don't like those semantics, but those are the semantics we have ...
<daniels> by the time it came up, it felt like it was too late to change it, since breaking API is ... not great ... and the way you find out that resize semantics have changed from under you is catching a fatal client error
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<MrCooper> daniels: specifically, I wonder if the back buffer really needs to be locked already in MakeCurrent
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<daniels> all things being equal, I think it would be better if it weren't
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<daniels> however, if we make it not be locked in MakeCurrent, then we change visible semantics
<daniels> and I'm not sure whether or not that's safe at this point
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<MrCooper> right
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<DavidHeidelberg> Mary: Heya, I ran OpenCL piglit set (I was thinking about adding it as nightly, to keep consistent check how the CL works) and it looks kinda brutal, if you're interested in seeing it if you see some low hanging fruit to reduce crashes, I'm happy to run the CI branch against it
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<daniels> DavidHeidelberg: heh yeah, midgard is pretty wild-west for CL, but last we saw CSF/bifrost are in better shape
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<DavidHeidelberg> daniels: nice to hear, thou T860 is very important, as it's inside the PinePhone Pro :) Let's not talk about the glorious Mali 450 in PinePhone 1 which can do hardly 3D
<daniels> haha
<daniels> yeah and RK3399 also lives on forever
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<DavidHeidelberg> daniels: btw. re-did the CL testing TGL -> ADL
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<daniels> ahhh yes, sorry, have been sidetracked by other things :\
<DavidHeidelberg> np I pushed it yesterday, mentioning it since we talkin
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<jenatali> eric_engestrom: You might have opinions on !30877. I'm just looking for someone to give me a thumbs up/down :)
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<eric_engestrom> jenatali: ack (although I see you already got two acks), but I'm a bit surprised by the `14.29 -> 14` change; does it mean `14.*`?
<jenatali> Yeah it does
<eric_engestrom> ok
<eric_engestrom> not sure if you want to pin it to the next version instead?
<jenatali> We were already installing both sets of build tools and we had tried to upgrade a while ago, but ran into NaN issues that I recently diagnosed and fixed unrelated to the version bump
<eric_engestrom> on the linux side that's what we do, so that a re-gen of the image for another reason doesn't randomly pick a new version of one component
<jenatali> I guess we could? I'm not entirely sure what the actual version is :)
<jenatali> I think it's 14.40 currently
<eric_engestrom> hehe
<eric_engestrom> I'll leave that as a comment on the MR as well, for posterity
<jenatali> Yeah, I think I have a slight preference to keep rolling forward and only pin when there's problems
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<eric_engestrom> ack
<eric_engestrom> I posted my comment, I guess you can reply that there too :P
<jenatali> Sounds good :P
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