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<mareko> zmike: just delete clover
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<zmike> mareko: the MR is there...
<mareko> and reviewed
<zmike> maybe next week before The Great Migration
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<freewillyjackson> sure this was incorrect, i have no clue what i typed before, it should be something like this (blast from the past , as this was my very first): 328+72-329=71 so 512-329=183+329-512=0 then 328+72-329 once more, so 71+71=142 144-142=2 2/2=1 , so 74-1=73, now with 324+68-329=63+63=126 136-126=10/2=5 68+5=73, this would not respect the order unless you append things with contiguous
<freewillyjackson> indexes, so 329 is added 116 where as 328 is added 115 etc. so forth. I got this idea way in the past, when i read facebook of someone talking about queue jumping (dunno in what context those were fuckers but i translated to programming). It might function even.
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<randomnoisejohn> Full testing i have not done, but it's expected when you stretch the base far enough per bank, it is going to be suitable to start toggling inverse index at say 120+70+256=446-392(aka 512-120) this has to leave 54 and other elements untouched from base+index+value, so then you can add +16 and be sure it all went to the correct element. Hence one can then perform the earlier. I hope
<randomnoisejohn> alot of this method, but i am feeling older and fatiguer every day. So i have no interest to participate in dogs fecalshows, you all get handled once which would be real expectation anyways, that what should happen to fecalists terroring others.
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<uriah> \o/ finally got steam / vulkan /proton working in a linux vm with amdgpu native context! thanks a bunch, digetx, pepp et. al.
<uriah> gentoo build fyi
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