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<zmike> karolherbst: there, have fun with it
<karolherbst> nice nice nice
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<airlied> karolherbst: use c++filt to find out __clc_sw_fma(float __vector(8), float __vector(8), float __vector(8)) after that, it's like something is getting passed to it wrong then
<airlied> karolherbst: looks like a missing parameter in the call
<karolherbst> ahh that's plausible
<karolherbst> maybe
<airlied> call void @_Z12__clc_sw_fmafff(<8 x i32> %242, ptr %callcontext, <8 x i64> <i64 32, i64 32, i64 32, i64 32, i64 32, i64 32, i64 32, i64 32>, <8 x i32> %ssa_25, <8 x i32> %ssa_26, <8 x i32> %ssa_27)
<airlied> seesm to have the 8x64 in it before the actual parameters
<airlied> oh it has a zer0 init one
<karolherbst> but also why are we calling into the libclc sw fma function for lp 🙃
<airlied> don't think lp has any input on that decision
<airlied> I think you'd have to dump the library side to know what it is expecting
<karolherbst> uhh so much code to delete
<karolherbst> I might end up more than the size of clover 🙃
<zmike> how is there no chainsaw emoji
<zmike> or maybe like a hedge trimmer
<karolherbst> the fun part is, that I also remove code in zink 🙃
<zmike> yessss
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<karolherbst> uhhh.. why is nv50
<dwfreed> because they wanted to improve nv40?
* dwfreed ducks
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* zmike shakes fist
<zmike> I asked myself that many times this afternoon
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<karolherbst> I'm only at " 46 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 634 deletions(-)" and I'm just getting started
<zmike> fuck yeah
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<karolherbst> why am I finding more and more stuff to delete.. this is madness
<FireBurn> Hey I'm getting the following error when trying to build for andorid
<FireBurn> src/egl/ ERROR: Unknown variable "libpipe_loader_dynamic".
<zmike> karolherbst: delete that too^
<karolherbst> yeah...
<karolherbst> though
<karolherbst> isn't the new way the gl loading stuff works relying on it?
<zmike> uhhhh I don't think so?
<zmike> but also I'm not sure what you're talking about with "gl loading stuff"
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<karolherbst> like it uses the libpipe_loader_dynamic now
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<zmike> huh
<zmike> I'd have to look closer I guess
<zmike> a task for tomorrow
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<anarsoul> hey folks, I'm working on fixing mipmapping for linear textures for lima. The issue is that texture descriptor allows to specify stride for all the levels globally (i.e. each level has the same stride). As a workaround I'm thinking about an layout that looks like a texture atlas
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<anarsoul> is there an existing algorithm to find the optimal dimensions and placement for individual levels? as an additional difficulty individual level dimensions must be aligned to tile boundaries (16x16)
<anarsoul> obviously it won't work for 3D textures, but should be fine for 2D
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<phasta> I have to read "Is the bug in the current rc?" as "Is this a new bug that has not yet been in the kernel, but was introduced in the last merge window and that's why it's in the current -rc?", haven't I?
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<phasta> IOW: I have this bug fix here and don't know where to apply it
<phasta> airlied ^
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<phasta> mripard_, ^ :)
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<mripard> phasta: I'm confused, how can a bug not be in the kernel, and yet be in the current rc?
<MrCooper> phasta: I think it's about "in -rc (or a release), as opposed to only in some -next branch"
<mripard> yeah, it's about whether the bug can be reproduced on Linus branch, or ours, essentially
<phasta> So if the bug was there in kernel 4.1.0 already, it goes to drm-misc-fixes
<mripard> it's in the current rc, so yes
<phasta> OK, thx
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<Company> hrm
<Company> is there a way to read a dmabuf's contents via (E)GL?
<Company> I always assumed there has to be, but I can't find one
<Company> I'm in particular interested in YUV multiplanar formats, ie NV12 and friends
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<pq> Company, you mean something than than making a texture and rendering with it?
<Company> yeah
<Company> I want to get the data without rendering
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<Company> rendering YUV will convert it to RGB
<pq> unless you lie about the format?
<Company> even then
<Company> NV12 is subsampled
<pq> Weston seems lie about NV12 just fine.
<pq> using R8 and GR88 formats
<Company> oh yeah, that's a trick I could probably do
<pq> it just makes two textures from the same dmabuf
<Company> import the planes as individual textures instead of the whole image
<pq> yeah
<pq> I guess desktop GL might have something as a reverse glTexImage thing, I dunno.
<Company> Vulkan gives me access to the individual image planes so I can copy them into buffers and then read those
<Company> glGetTexImage(), but I think that's not valid for EGLImages
<Company> no clue though, I need a GLES solution because desktop GL can't import NV12 anyway
<pq> right
<pq> I wonder if you could, if the R8 and GR88 textures were renderable, bind them one at a time to an FBO and glReadPixels.
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<Company> they are renderable per spec
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<pq> Company, but the driver could still disagree, stride requirements and whatnot?
<Company> it could reject the dmabuf import, especially in the case I'm interested in - the one with modifiers
<Company> but I think once it imported a R8 or RG88 texture, it has to work
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<jani> PSA: moving from patchwork to lore Link: trailers in commits applied with dim:
<emersion> nice
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<K900> dcbaker ping for (sorry, I really want to get it merged before 25.1)
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<zmike> wow this latest refactor actually found a zink bug
<zmike> unbelievable
<pac85> zink can have bugs?
<zmike> I blame gfxstrand
<zmike> it was my understanding that all bugs were fixed
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<alyssa> pac85: as a treat
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<pac85> alyssa: you are right, it would be too boring without bugs and zink can't afford to be boring
<alyssa> anarsoul: I don't think you're supposed to support mipmapping on linear textures
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<alyssa> jani: what's meant to replace patchwork for dri-devel?
<alyssa> or are we just banking on the gitlab-ification of DRM happening long term?
<tzimmermann> javierm, hi. are you around for reviews?
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<jani> alyssa: our CI moving away from patchwork is a separate matter from keeping patchwork running. but once we move away, it might be a question whether there are users for fdo patchwork anymore.
<alyssa> ahh makes sense
<alyssa> I don't think I realized kernelci consumed patchwork
<alyssa> thx for the link :)
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<jani> and regardless of all this, people(tm) have questioned the use of patchwork links in the Link: tag when b4 uses lore links
<jani> oh I don't know about kernelci, this is for intel-gfx-ci
<alyssa> those are different?-- ah yes of course they are
<jani> :)
<jani> we have a lot of historical baggage, and our use of fdo patchwork is one of them. I think it predates gitlab.fd.o by about five years or so
<DragoonAethis> alyssa: yup, kernelci is more like a central database of results driven by some teams, not a CI system by itself
<DragoonAethis> I know of it, and would like to eventually push data there... but um, we have bigger problems for now
<jani> and fdo patchwork is a fork of the original patchwork that never merged back
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<alyssa> DragoonAethis: fair enough
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<zmike> anyone know how to test svga driver?
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<karolherbst> so first pile of patches to remove stuff nobody needs anymore (even before we remove clover):
<zmike> huge series
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<karolherbst> this is nothing compared what I'm gonna do to r600 and radeonsi
<zmike> you teach em a lesson karol
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<K900> Massive
<K900> Should distros still ship Clover for 25.1?
<K900> I kinda want to at least disable it
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<mattst88> I don't think so. I'm not shipping it in Gentoo for a while now and no one has complained
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<karolherbst> it's also pretty broken on radeonsi, so normally if you end up using clover there your system just hangs
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<K900> Fun
<mareko> karolherbst: does radeonsi clover hang with main?
<karolherbst> pretty much everytime I accidentally run a CTS test on it
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<mareko> then I think we can remove it
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<alyssa> I've heard that drm/sched will elide intra-queue syncobj dependencies, can anyone point me to where in the code that's happening?
<alyssa> I.e. if you submit two jobs to the same queue back to back, the first signals a syncobj, the second waits on it, drm/sched will just submit them both together without roundtripping to the cpu in the middle
<alyssa> (It also seems that happens only for binary syncobjs, but not for timeline syncobjs. Judging by a race I've been chasing since yesterday.)
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<lynxeye> alyssa: drm_sched_entity_add_dependency_cb is what you want to look at, I believe.
<alyssa> lynxeye: ooh, yeah. thanks :)
<alyssa> now to figure out why this doesn't happen for timeline syncs..
<alyssa> the second-level question there is .. whose bug is it?
<alyssa> If I understand the drm/asahi + apple fw behaviour right, drm/asahi is depending on the following invariant
<alyssa> "Jobs submitted to a queue that only depend on jobs previously submitted to that queue, will be scheduled in finite time after the previous jobs are scheduled"
<alyssa> drm/sched satisfies that when only binary sync is involved
<alyssa> but I'm unsure if it's part of the drm/sched contract.. it does seem that we're depending on this only by chance! (because it's a tricky race to hit otherwise)
<robclark> alyssa: it should all come down to the fence context of the underlying dma_fence.. syncobjs are just syntactic goo on top of fences.
<alyssa> robclark: duly noted. i am so new to seeing behind the goo :(
<robclark> iirc container fences should combine fences that are on the same context/timeline.. I wonder if that doesn't happen for dma_fence_chain?
<lynxeye> alyssa: what makes the firmware depend on those jobs being scheduled in finite time? Isn't a job that hasn't been scheduled simply invisible to the firmware and would thus not cause any harm?
<robclark> looks like dma_fence_chain_init() does try to do this
<lynxeye> job submission to a queue might also be blocked by insufficient credits for that queue in which case the scheduler will not schedule any new jobs until a job from that queue finishes
<alyssa> lynxeye: I think due to a drm/asahi logic bug. But I didn't write this driver and I do not understand the r/e'd firmware yet and it's not like there's docs to consult..
<alyssa> consider this a working theory
<alyssa> this is my first time doing serious work on this driver. not loving it :p
<alyssa> but.. learning lots
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<alyssa> lynxeye: credit limit for drm/asahi is impossibly high which would explain that never being hit
<lynxeye> alyssa: Ah okay, just wanted to point this out as one more potential source to violate your invariant.
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<alyssa> lynxeye: appreciate that info, will put it in my comment
<alyssa> i'm attempting to rework the drm/asahi logic to not depend on this. seems to fix my hang/race C:
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<zmike> jenatali: can you check out and make sure the latest version builds on msvc ? I don't want to waste however many CI jobs to get it fixed up
<jenatali> zmike: It's faster for me to click the UI buttons to trigger the pipelines than to pull and build locally, especially while I've got an LLVM build already going...
<zmike> brutal
<zmike> ok
<jenatali> But yeah I'll click those buttons for you :)
<jenatali> - if it needs fixes and you want me to stage them I can do that
<zmike> eh if you can't iterate locally I can push myself
<zmike> but thanks
<jenatali> Can't is a strong word :P
<zmike> I couldn't possibly impose upon your llvm build
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<jenatali> Nah it's done. It was just DXC, not full LLVM
<jenatali> Lemme pull
<zmike> ty
<zmike> I started another pipeline anyway
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<jenatali> Passed for me
<zmike> nice
<zmike> err
<zmike> hm
<zmike> oh I see, ci has multiple msvc target jobs
<jenatali> 3 containers, one build, and a few tests, yeah
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<alyssa> 4/query Lynne
<alyssa> oops
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