Unused and unmaintained is a good enough reason from the commit message
HdkR, how feasible is to write a vdpau driver (with softpipe backend) for latest mesa? (in other repository)
Are softpipe API functions public for external drivers?
I don't know beyond that
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zmike: there isn't anything more to do then i had done to understand as to how GPUs work, you need simulation and timing reports and GTKwave with benchmarks for me i did that with open-source tools all, cause tachyon simulator was very accurate for this, it's now open source. But even lower i went with yices2 signal elaboration or flattening from yosys back to verilog.
for an example MILL CPU guys are doing the same thing when i looked at their status but for cpu. They allegedly used FPGA for hw support too though.
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so i think hw is easier than software but some might oppose to this, saying the other way around, but anyways by sw i mean already driver bring-up, cause game programming is the most difficult thingy by far.
i now am able to access yes the compressed banks pretty well in my tests, but do not want to go to depth with this one anymore. I think i am capable of breaking RSA-1024 soon, but it looks like i get hated enough for this to not perform that my own.
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Hi. I try to build mesa, but I get "meson.build:951:2: ERROR: Problem encountered: Python (3.x) mako module >= 0.8.0 required to build mesa.". However, I alredy have "Mako==1.3.9". Any clue?
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Hello. I have heard that mesa3d drivers are not so good on OSes other that Linux, is that true? Or things has changed over the years?
Like what?
Specifically I was thinking of FreeBSD
tajoni, Microsoft now ships Mesa as Windows’s OpenGL, ES and Vulkan driver for instance.
FreeBSD is fine, AFAIK? Though their kernel drivers may be somewhat behind Linux
But it should be the same userspace API
Yes, I think latest port was from 6.1 kernel release, and they are working on porting 6.7, afair
(the amdgpu driver, for that matter, if I'm right)
Well it depends on what hardware you want to run Mesa with
But yeah I'd expect the problems to be on the kernel side, not Mesa
And also, it's not like you have other options
okay, so that not-well-aged info about mesa3d and FreeBSD that I've heard today is not true. Since amdgpu driver is ported from 6.x line, and they have pretty recent mesa in repos, it should work just fine I guess
K900: well, the other option is just to use Linux of course, but also AFAIR Nvidia is providing native drivers for fbsd
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