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<zzoon> Lynne: can you share a media for testing the failure?
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<tzimmermann> airlied, sima, hi! please merge the drm-misc-next-fixes PR at
<airlied> tzimmermann: done
<tzimmermann> thanks
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<tzimmermann> sima, what was the reason we cannot do begin_cpu_access outside of atomic_update. specifically this patch:
<tzimmermann> ?
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<sima> tzimmermann, it's like vmap/vunmap, can take reservation lock and all other kinds of nasty things that you can't do in the main commit path because it might deadlock with dma_fence
<sima> so only in the prepare/unprepare and related fb hooks, which are carefully place before the point of no return and after we've already signalled completion
<sima> or do you mean something else?
<tzimmermann> sima, i'm not sure i understood your answer. we call ->begin_fb_access right after ->prepare_fb. it does the vmap if necessary. would also be the natural place to call begin_cpu_access for the vmap'ed GEM buffer. yet that happens only in atomic_update. is that really related to fencing?
<sima> tzimmermann, hm that might be a bug actually
<sima> tzimmermann, I guess I'm not clear on what your question is, that patch you linked looks like we should have it
<sima> hm
<sima> ok I'm wrong
<sima> so from locking pov, we need that patch
<sima> but from a correctness pov, we need the current code
<sima> cache coherency correctness I mean
<tzimmermann> indeed. and there was a discussion back then. you mentioned that begin_cpu_access does 2 different things. and at least one of them was problematic
<sima> so for correctness we need to 1. wait for rendering to finish, which needs to be done in the async part (and which is ok)
<tzimmermann> ok
<sima> 2. _after_ that, flush caches, so that the cpu reads for these drivers that "scan out" using cpu copies is coherent
<sima> that part might take locks which are too nasty
<tzimmermann> makes sense
<sima> which is an oopsie
<sima> like a "I kinda screwed up atomic commit semantics for dma_fence/sync_file really fundamentally" oopsie
<sima> and I think when we discussed that we figured better correct scanout at the cost of maybe a lockdep splat
<sima> I did come up with some ideas how to sort this mess out, but a) it's lots of work b) not sure it's good enough c) need to quickly go for a grocery run so would need to chat a bit later
<sima> but spoiler: this is a really nasty locking hierarchy design snafu here unfortunately
<tzimmermann> then get your breakfast first :)
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<K900> Allow me to bump again now that Gitlab is hopefully all the way up
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<Lynne> zzoon: I can replicate with any stream
<Lynne> alder lake
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<dj-death> is the offset of load_push_constant guaranteed to be uniform?
<dj-death> because the divergence analysis is always considering the result of that intrinsic as uniform
<dj-death> doesn´t sound right...
<pendingchaos> yes
<dj-death> dEQP-VK.pipeline.monolithic.push_constant.graphics_pipeline.dynamic_index_vert_command2 seems to disagree
<dj-death> a vertex input value is used as an index to a push constant
<pendingchaos> "Any member of a push constant block that is declared as an array must only be accessed with dynamically uniform indices."
<alyssa> could be bogus CTS
<dj-death> yeah
<dj-death> looks like it
<dj-death> int arr_selector = int(abs(gl_Position.x) * 0.0000001 + 2);
<dj-death> matInst.arrType[int(matInst.index[arr_selector])
<dj-death> and matInst is a push constant block
* dj-death files a bug
<dj-death> welll
<dj-death> "dynamically uniform"
<dj-death> can the divergence analysis tell?
<jenatali> Interesting, D3D's rules around push constants are even stronger than that, they need to be literals
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<pendingchaos> tell what?
<alyssa> dj-death: dynamically uniform is stronger than not divergent, but e.g. nir_opt_preamble does that analysis
<zmike> daniels / MrCooper / ???: any ideas about solving
<dj-death> alyssa: could someone make the argument that it's dynamically uniform because they know only one lane is going to run? ;)
<dj-death> but actually the code does not allow you to make the deduction
<MrCooper> zmike: not offhand
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<alyssa> dj-death: Uhhh
<dj-death> I mean in a fragment shader with helper lanes
<dj-death> it's probably difficult to make that argument
<cmarcelo> is marge already ready to be used in mesa/mesa?
<jenatali> I think not yet
<dj-death> someone assigned it, it seems
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<benjaminl> says that marge is done
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<benjaminl> (maybe wasn't a couple hours ago though)
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<jenatali> Marge itself is, but Mesa pipelines are still on the floor
<jenatali> So attempting to assign to marge will run failing pipelines and just waste CI cycles
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<karolherbst> mhhh.. NIR_DEBUG=sweep to sweep memory after each pass to see if peak memory usage could be lowered?
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