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<Kayden> awesome news in #2011, thank you so much to everyone who's worked/is still working so hard on everything
<sima> same and I guess apologies for letting you all hang in there with me quitting last autumn
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<mupuf> sima: everyone has their limits, no need to appologize! You've served the foundation well, and brought a lot of good to it!
<daniels> ^ ++
<bentiss> same here as well :)
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<pinchartl> daniels: looking forward to the announcement
<pinchartl> sima: unless you secretely lobbied equinix to drop their metal offering, no need to apologize :-) you couldn't foresee any of this
<pinchartl> daniels: I assume the decision was not to follow #2044
<daniels> heh, yeah
<bentiss> OK, so I got some interesting information on the container registry for the windows images: <- The "DELETING" have not be effective as of now
<bentiss> I have been looking at the digest of the images, and consider everything under mesa and gstreamer to be upstream (too bad the fdo.upstream-repo is nto set by the windows docker script)
<bentiss> what's interesting already is the stats starting at line 2969: we do have a lot of windows images not even copied over once in a fork. I assume most of those can already be removed
<bentiss> (and yes, we can probably remove all of the ones from the archived gstreamer repos)
<bentiss> and for the curious, the "ignoring" lines mean that the image is not found upstream, so a manual cleanup is required, potentially
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