ChanServ changed the topic of #freedesktop to: infrastructure and online services || for questions about projects, please see each project's contact || for discussions about specifications, please use or
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<manuels2> How is free desktop group organized? I have a hard time to grasp it. Is it kind of democratic?
<emersion> there is an elected board of director
<karolherbst> which doesn't decide on technical directions, so not sure it qualifies really sa how the community is organized
<karolherbst> though it's more just that projects are doing the things they think is important and that's kinda it?
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<pq> manuels2, what do you mean by the "free desktop group"?
<manuels2> Xdg
<manuels2> But I though it has been renamed
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<pq> manuels2, I don't understand what you are trying to refer to. What do you mean by Xdg?
<pq> some specifications project?
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<daniels> yeah, that’s specs
<daniels> it’s maintained by Matthias Klumpp and mostly organised through gitlab issues
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<emersion> "In exchange, all we ask for is to be featured as a sponsor on your website and to participate in some co-marketing activities on social media"
<emersion> :P
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<karolherbst> heh...
<Consolatis> gives me blockchain or AI startup vibes
<karolherbst> a risky thing to say, especially as a us company, lol
<karolherbst> or maybe it's one of the companies with a backbone (well...), but that could end up real funny
<Consolatis> view from an outsider: physical servers either owned by fdo (either sponsored or bought) or paid rented physical servers at a proper colo facility (like hetzner) for the core infrastructure sounds like the best option to me in regards to long term stability. Looking out for some entity sponsoring the whole setup seems like just repeating the same cycle over and over again.
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<pinchartl> karolherbst: I vote for more backbone
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