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<Venemo> good morning guys
<Venemo> CI is giving me trouble again, I am trying to run some jobs for this MR:
<Venemo> and CI tells me "Looks like you don't have enough privileges"
<Venemo> I've never seen this issue before
<Venemo> what is going wrong? am I doing something wrong?
<Venemo> I'm running this command: ./bin/ci/ --target "vkcts-hawaii-valve" --include-stage "amd.*" --exclude-stage '' --stress 50
<Venemo> though, it seems to succeed eventually if I run it repeatedly
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<bentiss> Venemo: probably some unhappy gitlab that is self healing by kubernetes eventually
<bentiss> __tim: no changes in the last 1-3 weeks regarding S3 and infra in general
<bentiss> (and I'm not motivated enough to try to fix all little nitpicks when we have to change the whole infra in a month from now)
<__tim> understandable and expected :)
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