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<DragoonAethis> bentiss: oh nice, congrats :D
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<bentiss> FWIW< I've got a gitlab security upgrade coming in, and we'll try to connect part of the S3 data we already migrated on hetzner thanks to colinmarc
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<bentiss> daniels/mupuf: may I ask on of you to create a new banner (not edit, so people who dismissed the previous one see the new one), saying that we are going to have a week of downtime at most starting on March 16?, with link to
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<mupuf> bentiss: ack! will do later today
<bentiss> mupuf: thanks!
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<bentiss> alright, about to start the gitlab upgrade with the uploads backend change. Hopefully this won't break everything :)
<mupuf> bentiss: you don't want to wait for Monday?
<bentiss> nah... what could go wrong???
<bentiss> the revert is easy in that case
<mupuf> as you wish ;)
<bentiss> 26 min in, and the db migration is still running
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<bentiss> still working on the db... I've extended the deadline to 2 hours :/
* bentiss would like to already be on hetzner with a faster db
<__tim> does that mean runner artifact uploads will go to hetzner now after this uploads backend change?
<bentiss> __tim: not currently
<bentiss> if you attach a file to an issue/MR, it will be on Hetzner
<__tim> ah ok
<bentiss> I want to have lfs and package soon there as well
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* bentiss goes AFK a bit for lunch, ping me if gitlab is failing...
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<bentiss> sigh... PG::LockNotAvailable: ERROR: canceling statement due to lock timeout
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<bentiss> restarting the db
<karolherbst> and here I was wondering why gitlab is suddenly fast
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<bentiss> the db ended up in a wrong node, I'll restart it once again
<bentiss> switching packages and lfs to hetzner
<bentiss> and done
<bentiss> sigh, I thought this upgrade would take me 1h tops, and it's already well in the afternoon :(
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<__tim> ci status pop-up windows have some nice little updates
<MrCooper> is patchwork known down?
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<kxkamil> patchwork is lagging... it works after a few refreshes but so slow...
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<dwfreed> bet it's getting nailed by AI crawlers
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