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bentiss: re: igt-gpu-tools tags, nuke them all from the orbit
I tried and it didn't work from the GitLab UI
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DragoonAethis: shouldn't I keep a couple of them?
bentiss: we don't use them for anything outside of the built-in GitLab CI tests, not sure if anybody uses that
IMO fine to nuke it all
the dockerfile-* are from 2021
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bentiss, DragoonAethis: I'm using them occasionally, but all I need is to keep HEAD. Don't we have an expiration policy for tags in the project?
mupuf: don't know, I don't even have admin perms on that project ._.
All this stuff is from before my time
bentiss: there is a bit of a misunderstanding here. The containers being rebuilt are basically just doing the compilation IIRC. The base containers don't get rebuilt every time
Agreed, and that's because there are hundreds of 5 MB containers
and that is ridiculous
if you don't need to reuse the container, why keepingit in the registry, just install the stuff and run the tests
the point is to do the build once then reuse it in other parts of the pipeline. Rather than using artifacts, containers are used because that's the logical thing to do and ultimately ends up exactly in the same spot: the s3 server
except no. It's a different S3 server with different rules
the difference here is that artifacts have a default expiration of 30 days which is not something done on the repo
and deleting things on the container registry is harder (both technically and ethically) than on the artifact server
mupuf: also the "containers:igt" job is run at the end of the pipeline, and never used, so what's this is about?
looking into the pipeline again, it's been quite some time since I looked at it
but on the topic of ethicality of removing container images from registries, I don't see the difference with losing artifacts. I however see a big difference in how to reproduce a test environment: a single podman cmdline vs downloading the build artifacts, extracting, then adding a -v in your command line
IIRC, this is exactly why the container was built. Not for CI (yet), but to allow developers to re-use the test environment on their dev machine.
but yeah, to be honest, I think the whole pipeline needs to be re-designed
Intel dropped the ball hard on moving IGT from the mailing list to being a gitlab project, and whole thing remains in limbo
that Dockerfile takes $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/build-fedora:commit-$CI_COMMIT_SHA, shove in it installdir/opt/igt /opt/igt and .gitlab-ci/ /usr/local/bin/ and done, this is just a curl/git pull away
you mean that the container itself could be doing it at boot time?
yes, or you can have a script that does that and people use it when they need
you don't need to store the content of git in a container
amen to that
I think we can all agree that the current state of affair is just dumb and wasteful
where is that installdir coming from???
build:tests-fedora apparently
yep, I was about to say
ok, well, yeah, could be just a script away
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DragoonAethis: mind disabling the job?
mupuf: I don't have perms on this repo at all
Well, I have developer perms, so I can merge stuff, but not look at settings
I can give you that, but that's not how you disable a job
just add a . in from of `containers:igt`
in .gitlab-ci.yml
the thing is if I delete the commit-* tags, skopeo will delete all of them, including the original dockerfile-<sha256>, because they all share the same digest, and you delete a manifest by its digest
but to be honest, the whole thing needs fixing :s While the base containers are not rebuilt every time, they still push commit- tags for no reason
so I'll probably not touch anything in the build-* repos, except for the igt one
agreed. Let's first fix the problem then deleting all the commit-* ones
welp, I guess I'll have to volunteer myself to rewrite this mess
yay for mupuf <3
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why do I still freaking care...
IIRC we had in a past a ci-templates user bassed on the sha256 of a file in the repo
this is pretty much what they need here
pretty much, yeah
and daniels is somewhat moving to that too in Mesa :D
mupuf, my apologies, I've hacked it all together before ci-templates and then I guess it never moved further :-/
or at least not much
sima: no worries, I had my hands in it too
but you know what's the worst thing here? I will have to send freaking emails to fix this shit and I am not pleased with it
mupuf: why, don't you enjoy just sending your work straight into /dev/null without kicking people for 2 weeks straight?
well, that's not much different from sending an MR on gitlab ;) The difference I'll need to set up git send-email again.
FWIW, I'm currently deleting all manifests under drm/igt-gpu-tools/igt/ older than a day
bentiss: sounds like the best course of action, yeah
and I could enable a similar rule in the settings
FWIW, the build-* are just taking space in the db for nothing, but not in storage, so we can leave this like that
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sima: what's the plan for the IGT and DRM migration to GitLab?