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emersion: looks like IPv6 was unhappy again, so lists were getting blocked on making outbound captcha-verification requests which were failing, and then it was timing out trying to take the lock
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would mails that have to be pushed through via mailman admindb have been dropped ?
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daniels: what's going on with culpepper?
hmm, guess it could be an issue with my outgoing SMTP server though
i can check postfix logs later
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looking at the gitlab registry cleanup rules they are not very helpful
is there any project that makes use of them, cause I am curious how if so
alatiera: it's a dead end. The cleanup rules might or might not work depending on when the container repository was created. I ǘe seen them working in new repos, but not on old ones
while we can keep the last 5-10 tags per image, that doesn't account for stable branches where we might bump the tag in main more frequently and push the stable ones to pruned
mails seem to be coming through again now
alatiera, please don't assume that images on older stable branches can "just be rebuilt if needed", that is not the case from experience
even less so on windows
bentiss yea what I am thinking about is the following: currently in gst we suff images with -$active-branch and thush we could have a gitlab job that removes the old when we push a new one
(if people have MRs on top of old commits that's their problem of course and just need to rebase then)
that requites that no othr project makes use of the iamge
__tim yea kept images for branches
alatiera: I'll be running a cron job that does cleanup which has the labels information. So we can think at a smart labelling that we can implement there and get automatic purging
__tim actually there are a bunch of projects using our windows images, aren't they
the annoying part is that gitlab has no global search
my outgoing SMTP server seems to work fine for another destination
bentiss not sure we can encode that into labels
TBH, the thing that scares me the most is that on average we get an increase of 0.1TB of storage per day these past few days I started looking at the number
__tim images for libvpx, libffi and gperf are going to be missing
rest are retagged
gperf I can retag
(t-rapp/gstreamer/amd64/windows:2023-03-20.0-main still has it)
vpx I don't have the tag around in the registry
its fine
realistically these projects can also disable the job until they update
libffi I don't have it either, but it haven't been updated in a while :/
libffi is on a 1809 tag, I don't think we even have runners for that anymore
it seems that running the script repeatedly eventually makes it succeed
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<mahkoh> seems to be using a self-signed certificate
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mahkoh: should only be used for ssh, not http
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I think the official gitlab plugin in JetBrains IDEs automatically tries to access the gitlab rest APIs by infering their URL from the git remote URLs.
Previously the gitlab web interface advertised the remote urls as For some reason, this seems to have changed to recently.
If you go to any repository and then click on the blue Code button you can see it.
mahkoh: yeah, the intent is to make use of a CDN in the near future, but CDN dislike SSH, so we need a separate NDS entry for ssh
mahkoh: for now, you can rewrite your repo url to drop the 'ssh.' part and it'll work, until the CDN gets deployed
you could probably specify separate pull and push URLs, and it'd probably use the pull URL ?
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That seems to work
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okay, i've got the redirections working