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<daniels> emersion: ?!
<emersion> > Bug in Mailman version 2.1.29
<emersion> > We're sorry, we hit a bug!
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<daniels> emersion: looks like IPv6 was unhappy again, so lists were getting blocked on making outbound captcha-verification requests which were failing, and then it was timing out trying to take the lock
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<__tim> would mails that have to be pushed through via mailman admindb have been dropped ?
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<jrayhawk> daniels: what's going on with culpepper?
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<MrCooper> emersion daniels: FWIW, a post I sent to the amd-gfx & dri-devel lists over 2h ago hasn't come back from either list yet
<alatiera> bentiss is it possible to gather the "what images are used" stats myself or can it only be done by an admin?
<daniels> MrCooper: judging by it hasn't even arrived
<alatiera> also curious which pipelines are the ones that ref images from 2021, something is off there
<alatiera> wonder if we have runaway schedule pipelines or some bot doing weird stuff
<bentiss> alatiera: long story short, no, you need access to the db
<bentiss> and for images referencing 2021 it's likely to be old pipeline ran a long time ago
<alatiera> oh so the stats are not for pipelines run in the last month or so then
<bentiss> alatiera: see for an explanation of the numbers
<bentiss> yep
<MrCooper> daniels: didn't get any bounces either
<MrCooper> hmm, guess it could be an issue with my outgoing SMTP server though
<emersion> i can check postfix logs later
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<alatiera> looking at the gitlab registry cleanup rules they are not very helpful
<alatiera> is there any project that makes use of them, cause I am curious how if so
<bentiss> alatiera: it's a dead end. The cleanup rules might or might not work depending on when the container repository was created. I ǘe seen them working in new repos, but not on old ones
<alatiera> while we can keep the last 5-10 tags per image, that doesn't account for stable branches where we might bump the tag in main more frequently and push the stable ones to pruned
<__tim> mails seem to be coming through again now
<__tim> alatiera, please don't assume that images on older stable branches can "just be rebuilt if needed", that is not the case from experience
<__tim> even less so on windows
<alatiera> bentiss yea what I am thinking about is the following: currently in gst we suff images with -$active-branch and thush we could have a gitlab job that removes the old when we push a new one
<alatiera> however
<__tim> (if people have MRs on top of old commits that's their problem of course and just need to rebase then)
<alatiera> that requites that no othr project makes use of the iamge
<alatiera> __tim yea kept images for branches
<bentiss> alatiera: I'll be running a cron job that does cleanup which has the labels information. So we can think at a smart labelling that we can implement there and get automatic purging
<alatiera> __tim actually there are a bunch of projects using our windows images, aren't they
<alatiera> the annoying part is that gitlab has no global search
<MrCooper> my outgoing SMTP server seems to work fine for another destination
<alatiera> bentiss not sure we can encode that into labels
<bentiss> alatiera: in I emitted the idea of a new REST API that would provide "global" or at least per user API listing
<bentiss> should be trivial enough to check the JWT token and then build up a json SQL query
<__tim> alatiera, hrm, yeah, but well, they'll just have to update or learn how to roll their own I guess
<MrCooper> daniels emersion: now it came back, thanks for whatever you did :)
<alatiera> __tim I am more worried that I broke some of them right now
<alatiera> very likely
* alatiera runs a github gloabl search
<bentiss> alatiera: I don't think there are other users of the windows image on gitlab.fd.o
<bentiss> for github, I would hope they copy the image on a different registry
<alatiera> I don't care about github, but its what has a global search of the mirrors!
<bentiss> heh, OK :)
<alatiera> this specific image that cairo uses is still there thankfully
<alatiera> but there are a couple other places iirc that coped it
<bentiss> alatiera: # TODO: should probably get its own image at some point instead of reusing the GStreamer one
<bentiss> yeah, well, now is the time to start :)
<daniels> MrCooper: as if by magic!
<daniels> (it looks like Mailman froze a bunch of incoming mail when it was struggling with lock contention)
<alatiera> __tim reuploading those tags
<alatiera> found also fontconfig is using it
<bentiss> DragoonAethis: has a lot of tags... is this expected, and should this be cleaned up a bit?
<alatiera> all of them have the same TODO 😆
<bentiss> TBH, the thing that scares me the most is that on average we get an increase of 0.1TB of storage per day these past few days I started looking at the number
<alatiera> jesus
<alatiera> __tim images for libvpx, libffi and gperf are going to be missing
<alatiera> rest are retagged
<bentiss> gperf I can retag
<bentiss> (t-rapp/gstreamer/amd64/windows:2023-03-20.0-main still has it)
<bentiss> vpx I don't have the tag around in the registry
<alatiera> its fine
<alatiera> realistically these projects can also disable the job until they update
<bentiss> libffi I don't have it either, but it haven't been updated in a while :/
<alatiera> libffi is on a 1809 tag, I don't think we even have runners for that anymore
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<alatiera> ffi is green with the new image
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<Venemo> good afternoon
<Venemo> I would like to report a crash in the CI script:
<Venemo> it seems that running the script repeatedly eventually makes it succeed
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<mahkoh> seems to be using a self-signed certificate
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<bentiss> mahkoh: should only be used for ssh, not http
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<mahkoh> I think the official gitlab plugin in JetBrains IDEs automatically tries to access the gitlab rest APIs by infering their URL from the git remote URLs.
<mahkoh> Previously the gitlab web interface advertised the remote urls as For some reason, this seems to have changed to recently.
<mahkoh> If you go to any repository and then click on the blue Code button you can see it.
<bentiss> mahkoh: yeah, the intent is to make use of a CDN in the near future, but CDN dislike SSH, so we need a separate NDS entry for ssh
<bentiss> *DNS
<bentiss> mahkoh: for now, you can rewrite your repo url to drop the 'ssh.' part and it'll work, until the CDN gets deployed
<dwfreed> you could probably specify separate pull and push URLs, and it'd probably use the pull URL ?
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<mahkoh> That seems to work
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<emersion> okay, i've got the redirections working
<emersion> wasn't really that hard
<emersion> i think i just need to fixup GitLab SSO and then we should be good to go
<emersion> probably sed some remaining kara.fdo in the config files as well
<emersion> and then start migrating one non-critical mailing list and see how it goes
<emersion> i've also set up
<emersion> with a mailman3 plugin to glue them together
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