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<tintou> Hi there, I've got a remote: GitLab: http post to gitlab api /post_receive endpoint: Internal API unreachable while pushing to a branch, is it a transient issue or is that showing that something is misbehaving?
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<kode54> possible to take over a gitlab account just by knowing the email address of the victim
<kode54> apparently gitlab doesn't sanitize the input to the email field on the form, and you can intercept the json of the request and add your own email address to the addresses array
<kode54> oh, they only disclosed it after fixing it
<kode54> nice
<kode54> made the hacker quite a bug bounty
<kode54> jeez, sure took the reporter a long time to agree to disclose it
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<bentiss> daniels: \o/ in the Hetzner account: Sponsoring Credit, valid until 01.03.2025, start amount $1,000.00, remaining $1,000.00 :)
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<daniels> 2 days to use $1k!
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<bilboed> time to mine !
* bentiss feels less bad to let a test cluster up on Hetzner :)
<bilboed> maybe it's an oversight on their part and you can ask to have it extended ?
<bentiss> bilboed: it's monthly
<bilboed> oh nice, 1k/month ?
<bentiss> yep :)
<bilboed> (should more than cover s3 usage)
<bentiss> yeah, intention is to cover s3 plus gitlab k8s
<bentiss> maybe not entirely, we'll see
<bentiss> it won't cover dedicated machines, nbut they are cheap
<bilboed> hetzner has k8s ? That's new
<bilboed> oh, you mean core of gitlab vs runners
<bentiss> yeah, I deploy k8s myself on hetzner
<bentiss> but on their cloud infra
<bilboed> gotcha
<bilboed> looking forward to it :)
<bilboed> and thanks a lot for handling it
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<ivyl> bentiss: yay, it's nice how quickly all of that happened :D
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<mupuf> bentiss: swwwweeeetttt!
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