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<zmike> I've asked this a trillion times by now, but is it feasible to have a small bot that assigns to marge on a cron job?
<zmike> we really need a "weekend marge" label for this
<karolherbst> there is a gitlab cli tool I'm sure you can use for this
<daniels> there's also a 'merge can start after scheduled date' option in GitLab, so we just need to make Marge understand that
<__tim> in GStreamer we have `Merge in X days` labels, and a bot that assigns to Marge when the time has passed, in case that fits the bill
<daniels> where is that bot?
<__tim> is a version from a few months back, would've to check if anything changed
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<__tim> not in git anywhere yet, want to do some clean-ups before
<__tim> one of those quick experiments that have become critical infrastructure :P
<daniels> tbh we should just put that logic in marge itself
<daniels> we're using the revived upstream version now with a pile of good features we implemented
<daniels> which is prob better than everyone using random forks
<Ford_Prefect> Hmm, I should move the PulseAudio repository to use our hosted marge too, rather than the rando VM I'm running it in
<Ford_Prefect> How would I do that?
<zmike> do we have any mods watching #dri-devel or ?
<Ford_Prefect> will do, thanks daniels!
<daniels> zmike: yeah but it's a firehose for 30 seconds then drop off and come back with a new nick
<zmike> 🤕
<zmike> so annoying
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<__tim> daniels, true, true (re. adding to to Marge directly)
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<soreau> zmike 4 dri-devel mod!
<soreau> probably can do that from the pub ;)
<zmike> I would nominate hdkr since he was on the list doing strong work before the oftc migration
<soreau> someone's gotta whack those moles
<sima> yeah we've gotten progressively better at banning (it's now a server shadow ban mostly) and they got progressively better at evading the bans
<sima> mole whacking arms race
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<MrCooper> emersion: apparently an xkeyboard-config 2.44 announcement was sent to xorg-announce on Sun/Mon, it's not in the moderation queue and I didn't get a notification e-mail about it though
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<mattst88> zmike: yeah, I ban joss everytime I see him
<mattst88> I'm doing it (via dwfreed) through a method that doesn't inform him, with the hopes that he won't register a new account, etc
<mattst88> but that doesn't seem to be working
<mattst88> (apparently joss is actually registering a new account each time we ban him. the problem is that OFTC doesn't require email verification)
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<MrCooper> is there any reason to believe he wouldn't create a new e-mail address if needed?
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<karolherbst> there is none
<karolherbst> the issue is that they mitigate with whatever we come up with
<karolherbst> to the point where banning does nothing
<karolherbst> 3-4 message in quick succession, then moving to a new acc
<mattst88> MrCooper: no, but that might make the barrier just a bit higher...
<karolherbst> they use VPNs from various providers already
<karolherbst> I personally don't think there is any technical solution available to do anything about this
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<mattst88> I did send a potential non-technical solution to the CoC committee while at XDC
<karolherbst> if people have real life contacts, that's sure something we'd like to try (and we are working on those things atm, kinda, given spoons available)
<mattst88> I sent what I have to on 10/10/24
<mattst88> I'd be very interested to know if anything is happening in that area
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<karolherbst> mattst88: yeah, but it's taking a lot of time, because people were busy and other things going on. I've brought it up today again. And sorry it is taking that long to follow up on those leads. We wanted to figure out who met Joss's sister or so, because I've heard about it and apparently somebody talked about it on IRC, but we couldn't figure out
<karolherbst> who and when that was
<karolherbst> apparently it happened on #radeon at some point or some other channel? It's hard to tell and maybe a wrong lead, but if _anybody_ knows anything please do let us know.
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<soreau> at this point, you might as well fall back to plain reasoning
<soreau> IIRC, mattst88 said something at one point that resonated with them because they didn't show up for awhile afterward
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<mattst88> karolherbst: thanks, no need to apologize. I had no idea anything was happening in that area, so that's good to hear
<mattst88> soreau: if by plain reasoning, you mean me agreeing to not be a "suicidal terrorist"... good luck getting him to remember the agreement the next day :P
<soreau> heh
<airlied> I wonder if we have to +v and had a bot to autovoice people after an hour, but I think he's just wait
<airlied> the dwfreed thing is good because he doesn't just directly dm assault you when he is banned
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<soreau> or bot +m for a few if $criteria threshold is reached..
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