so appears s1/s2 regulators are same layout and values are also close
fifference is between some fields like regulator subtype
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konradybcio: We got a problem that the sdhc frequency in dts and gcc does not match for sm7150. In dts it is 202000000, in gcc it is 208000000. This is quite strange because all Socs use the frequency 202000000. We want to change the frequency in gcc to 202000000 to match other Socs. How do you feel about this change?
* konradybcio: We got a problem that the sdhc2 frequency in dts and gcc does not match for sm7150 in downstream. In dts it is 202000000, in gcc it is 208000000. This is quite strange because all Socs use the frequency 202000000. We want to change the frequency in gcc to 202000000 to match other Socs. How do you feel about this change?