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<DarkNeutrino> apritzel: So i ran DTB check and its complaining about missing interrupt properties in axp313a node. So i gave it interrupt 0 and cells 1 but its warning me about the size thats its 4 expected to be a multiple of 12. The actual interrupt isnt wired up so i dont exactly know what to give it. here is the axp313a node and the SoC is H616.
<DarkNeutrino> If anyone else knows i would love to hear ideas :)
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<apritzel> DarkNeutrino: the interrupt property format has to match the expectation of the interrupt parent, which by default is the GIC directly (see interrupt-parent in the root node of h616.dtsi)
<DarkNeutrino> yep i know that. But i have no clue what to give it. Just 0 0 0 ?
<DarkNeutrino> H6 and A64 which have similar setup to us have r_intc node. I dont see that on H616
<apritzel> because there is no r_intc on the H616
<DarkNeutrino> Exactly :)
<apritzel> is the PMIC's IRQ pin is not connected, you actually shouldn't specify an interrupt at all
<DarkNeutrino> OK but then DTB check yells at me
<DarkNeutrino> Which folks wont like when they will be checking the patch
<apritzel> I have the feeling we should make it optional for all PMICs, since it's not really a PMIC property, but a board designer decision
<apritzel> yes, I agree
<apritzel> so for the OrangePi Zero3 the IRQ pin is connected to an GPIO
<DarkNeutrino> YEP when its connected to GPIO it makes sense.
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<apritzel> I am afraid this requires another patch to make the interrupt property optional
<DarkNeutrino> :(
<apritzel> ah, OK, it's only a test point
<DarkNeutrino> yea
<DarkNeutrino> I got hired by BTT/Biqu3d so i have some input on the hardware design now so i will try to make sure things like this dont happen. But yea not perfect
<DarkNeutrino> on future SBCs that is
<apritzel> arguable the IRQ functional is somewhat optional for PMICs in general, and for this small one in particular
<apritzel> functionality*
<DarkNeutrino> Generally yea.
<apritzel> so I think it's OKish to not connect it, but if there is a spare GPIO, it also doesn't hurt, and gives you the ability to get notified about overheating or undervoltage and such
<DarkNeutrino> There are many spare GPIOs afaik.
<DarkNeutrino> So yea it would be nice to have it connected in the first place
<apritzel> but it's too late for that anyway, and from a technical point of view the IRQ *is* optional, so the binding should reflect that
<apritzel> I will make a patch, let's see what people say
<DarkNeutrino> CC me in it please. At my somainline email and also specify my work one (
<DarkNeutrino> When you send the patch i will be able to send my DT and specify that it depends on your patch :)
<gamiee> DarkNeutrino: offtopic, but is BIQU 3D from BTT?
<DarkNeutrino> BTT is from biqu :)
<DarkNeutrino> Biqu makes 3d printers as complete kits and BTT makes the accesories like the controller boards and etc :)
<gamiee> oooh! Makes sense. Thanks for explaining
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<DarkNeutrino> No worries :)
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<gamiee> DarkNeutrino: I sent you a DM if you don't mind from my another IRC account (since this is bridge only, no PMs).
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<DarkNeutrino> I tried to reply to you in DMs but i cant.
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<buZz> BTT is pretty cool
<buZz> btw, if you wnt to talk more about 3d printers, maybe checkout #reprap ?
<buZz> dark<tab> oh nevermind
<buZz> not a irc user :D
<warpme> apritzel : do you know what uboot ver. i need to test (lpddr4 on h618)?
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<apritzel> warpme: I applied it on top of latest mainline
<warpme> ah ok. I tried on 2023.10 and many hunks failed. lety me try on current head
<apritzel> but it didn't really work on the OrangePi Zero3, at least not with the parameters I harvested from the boot0 found on the SPI flash
<apritzel> 2023.10? You mean -rc1? because that should actually work
<warpme> oh - thx for info!. In fact i'm playing exactly with zero3
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<warpme> oops - sorry - i was trying on 2023.07.02
<apritzel> I am wading through the code, comparing it with OrangePi's version here:
<DarkNeutrino> buZz i was off for a sec :)
<buZz> in that channel are quite some BTT users anyway ;)
<apritzel> warpme: yeah, 2023.07 won't work, you need the recently merged LPDDR3 support for the hunks to match (though actual LPDDR3 support is of course orthogonal)
<buZz> oh, on btw, not on OFTC
<apritzel> warpme: I am halfway through trying to deduce the right parameters from the OrangePi code, that's just proper mindboggling
<warpme> apritzel : re lpddr3: is this with jernej's parametrized dram support?
<apritzel> warpme: yes, that's why the OrangePi drop (based on 2021.07) is quite different: we gained parameters and LPDDR3 meanwhile
<apritzel> warpme: I am quite confident I will get the OPiZero3 LPDDR4 to work this week, then will reply to junari's patch and propose OPiZero3 U-Boot support on top
<warpme> oh thats qll
<apritzel> meanwhile you can harvest the firmware from Armbian (that's what I did for testing)
<warpme> i need to run for 2..3h will be back at evening
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<apritzel> warpme: (for when you come back): I think that's the link:
<DarkNeutrino> buZz yea i will skip for now. I have enough 3D printers myself at home hehe
<apritzel> warpme: and what DRAM size does your board have? I went for 4GB, of course, but it would be great to test the 1/2GB and more curiously the 1.5GB version as well
<buZz> DarkNeutrino: np, it was just for your occupational interest
<DarkNeutrino> I will jump in ofc from time to time :)
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<DarkNeutrino> Oh i just noticed. Ddr4 on h616. Heck yea.
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<junari> apritzel: can you post somewhere actual dram_para and register dump? I can look too
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<warpme> apritzel: it is 4G variant
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