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<warpme> guys: in dmesg i'm getting "probe of ffbd0000.ethernet returned -517 after 28 usecs". Is -517 means missing one/more of clocks?
<mansr> 517 is EPROBEDEFER
<warpme> indeed this (and many other modules are deferred; i see "platform ffbd0000.ethernet: deferred probe pending"). I'm trying to find why. I added initcall_debug to kernel cmd and got this -517 info. but can't find clue what missings are causing deferred load (in fact module is deferred for endless time=not loaded at all)
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<apritzel> warpme: do you get to a prompt? Can you check /sys/kernel/debug/devices_deferred to see if the device is still in there?
<apritzel> sometimes that file gives more info
<warpme> apritzel : unfortunately no :-( Both: USB and Eth support is in deferred modules....
<warpme> but i can add this to init scriptes
<warpme> let me try
<apritzel> warpme: carefully look in dmesg for error messages from drivers
<DarkNeutrino> Also enable log level 7 and enable debug
<DarkNeutrino> Could help to tell you why its doing that
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<wens> apritzel: your mfd patch got rejected :|
<apritzel> yeah, I just saw
<apritzel> it's look pretty nasty to split this up, though
<apritzel> checking whether I can abuse a member of struct mfd_cell to mark that it's optional
<apritzel> or even add a flag to that struct
<warpme> DarkNeutrino : when you are saying "enable debug" - do you mean specific kernel config or kernel cmd.line?
<DarkNeutrino> Enable this and then you can enable debug for that specific driver if such feature exists
<DarkNeutrino> If not. I use the lovely method of spam it with debug prints hehe
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